The Moon Poll


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Ahhhhh government run schools.
It's nice to see how our educational system is educating our kids how to be a bunch of left-wing consipiracy theorists.

I can see what tomorrow is going to be like:
Although I will also state that the whole "creationism" and "intelligent design" "education" that the hard right is trying to slipstream into schools is just as big of a pile of BS as the latter.
Explain to me how that is "education?"
School should be about facts (science, history, math, etc). Leave religion and conspiracty theories up to us to teach our kids should we want to.



This kind of crap really pisses me off. Mainly because is much more evidence that we have been there other than the moon landing videos. First, there are 20 some mirrors on the moon that we placed there and used to bounce lasers off of. Not sure why, but they are there and with a large enough telescope you can see them. Not to mention the lunar lander which is much bigger is *still* on the moon and if you looked for it, it would be there.
First off, the *only* and I do mean *only* reason we went was we were behind in the arms / space race with the russians and by the time we had a man on the moon, the russians had already put a man in space and put a robot on the moon. While we were the first to put a man on the moon, the russians got there first. The reason we fell behind in the first place was all the cold way mumbo jumbo about hiring ex-nazis and ex-commis to run our space program. The germans were 20 years ahead of the rest of the world in rocket technology at the end of WWII. The US and Russia basically played a game of "one for you, one for me" with their scientists at the end of the war. Only we decided to can them in a dark office while the russians put them to work.
Some basic math here:
To go into orbit costs about $1,000,000 per pound. So a 185lb man costs about 185 million + 6 other astronauts, + the shuttle + it's cargo = more money than I've spent on my tank.
To go to the moon costs about $100,000,000 per pound. So a 185lb man costs about 18.5 billion + 6 other astronauts + the shuttle + it's cargo, + the return trip home, etc, etc, etc = so much freaking money that there had better be trees with pure gold bricks or diamonds the size of golf balls just laying around for picking to make it worth while.
To go to Mars costs about 100 times more than the moon.
btw. I got all that info from a late night on Discovery Science with some Asian professor. Can't remember his name but he is on the Future Car shows as well. I think he works at MIT or RPI or something.
The solution is not to keep goin back, but to find a better way to get there, perhaps with something cheaper than a rocket. Then there is also the problem of what do we do when we get there? It's not like we are Columbus and 'know' there will be water and food where we go and can stock up for our return trip. We have to take everything with us for the trip there and back. Try packing a minivan for a week long camping trip with your family including water, then double it for 7, then extend the trip to 4 weeks. Then you have a general idea of the scale of the problem NASA faces with a moon mission.


Originally Posted by earlybird
I was taught that Columbus was trying to prove the earth was round. There are a lot of stupid people and unfortunately stupid teachers.
Columbus didn't even technically discover America he just takes the credit for it.
I can't remember the exact country (I think it was france) but they used it as a "secret fishing spot" before Columbus.
Similar to how fishing is never give away good fishing spots.
Another thing that is taught to us wrong. Most of the US and maybe world is completely oblivious to this fact because of the schools teaching.


Originally Posted by earlybird
I was taught that Columbus was trying to prove the earth was round. There are a lot of stupid people and unfortunately stupid teachers.
Oh yea, This is kind of a true statement. He was trying to get to India by going around the supposed to be "flat world". Thus if he didn't

up he would have proved that the earth was round.....Although I get your point, that wasn't his main intent of the voyage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Eh, they probably don't teach stuff like that anymore, but Challenger made a huge impression on my life because I was in grade school at the time.

That's weird. For some reason with you being one of the mods I always pictured you as older... wiser. Sorry (about the older part, not wiser).
I guess we're about the same age.

On a side note... I notice that 80.36% of all respondants feel we went.
Maybe we only got 80.36% of the way there... so about what...191,000 miles? That's still pretty good.

clown boy

Active Member
There are many strong Christians in the space program, and several Apollo astronauts are among them. I believe they are telling the truth.


Active Member
Hey Clown Boy,
Step to the plate. You say you work for NASA. Where do you think these guys went? Coney Island?


IMO it seems to me that in the middle of the cold war and space race, if the US was really faking it, the Russians should have been able to figure it out. For example, the Russians should have been able to tell if supposed radio communication signals were or were not really coming from the moon.
If they felt the US was trying to hoowink the world, I think they would be the 1st to blow the wistle. What a propaganda coup that would have been for them.
IMO we went to the moon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
There are many strong Christians in the space program, and several Apollo astronauts are among them. I believe they are telling the truth.
BTK was a member of the Christian community too...


The poor video quality of the first moon landings was a deliberate ploy so nobody could properly examine it.
Television pictures of the Apollo 11 landing were sent directly to Earth from the surface of the Moon using the Lunar Module's antenna and power supply. This placed a restriction on the amount of bandwidth that could be transmitted. Apollo 11 was thereby limited to using a black-and-white, slow-scan TV camera with a scan rate of 10 frames-per-second at 320 lines-per-frame. In order to broadcast the images to the world, the pictures had to first be converted to the commercial TV standards. In the US, this was the EIA standard of 30 frames-per-second at 525 lines-per-frame. The pictures transmitted from the Moon were displayed on a 10-inch black-and-white monitor and a vidicon camera was pointed at the screen and the pictures were scanned at the EIA standard. A number of peculiar image artifacts were seen on the images. One set of artifacts was produced by sunlight reflecting off the astronauts and the LM onto the TV camera's lens. These reflections produced the ghostly effects perceived by the public. Other prominent artifacts were the result of spots burnt into the monitor screens from which the optical conversions were produced.

Apollo 11 was only a first step in what was to be increasingly ambitious missions, thus it was lacking in some capabilities. Among these was the ability to transmit high-quality TV pictures. Later missions, starting with Apollo 12, had enough time in the schedule to permit the astronauts to erect large freestanding dish antennae. This increased the amount of bandwidth that could be transmitted, thus allowing complex color TV pictures to be sent directly to Earth.

I dont know enough to decide exactly what I beleive, but im leaning towards we went to the moon, alot of the 'proof' shown on the video seems to have really obvious answers, but some of it is questionable.
Anyways I had jsut wanted to point out that what I highlighted is very possible. My friends mom works in a hospitol, and there was a security camera in a room, and in the corner the camera showed a vending machine, but there actually was no vending machine in that room. It was somehow...and I have no idea how it happens...burned into the camera.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
That's weird. For some reason with you being one of the mods I always pictured you as older... wiser. Sorry (about the older part, not wiser).
I guess we're about the same age.

On a side note... I notice that 80.36% of all respondants feel we went.
Maybe we only got 80.36% of the way there... so about what...191,000 miles? That's still pretty good.



Active Member
Come on people .... yes, we landed on the moon. It's a no brainer!
FYI ... Lief Erikson and his vikings discovered America way before Columbus.


Active Member
K stands for Kill. You don't want to know about the BT part.
You know you all should put away your torches and ropes until you get the full story. Ole Steely never did say in what context the documentary was shown. Was it an entire class devoted to it with the teacher saying that we did NOT go to the moon? Or was it the teacher showing a film and telling the students that no matter what scientific evidence to the contrary, people are going to believe what they want to believe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteelGluer
My daughter came home from school the other day and told us they had a documentry on how NASA didnt goto the moon....

Originally Posted by Scotts

...You know you all should put away your torches and ropes until you get the full story. Ole Steely never did say in what context the documentary was shown. ...
Context, based on the original post, seems clear to me.


Active Member
Nope. Was it a 5 minute documentary? A 3 day mini series documentary? I myself watched a one hour show about some people who did not believe we went to the moon. Why did I watch it? Well it never hurts to hear what other people are saying. I did not watch it seeing if these guys could convince me.
Plus how old is the gluers kid? You also have to know how to speak kid. To some kids and some age kids a puppet show can be a documentary. (No offense to Steely and his kid, but before we hang these people from the nearest tree I think we need some more facts.)