How can a girl pick just one? I love my antenata who eats from my hand, and my puffer who puffs to get my attention and to get petted (and fed, of course). But, there are the sexy angels and butterflies whose colors literally glow in the moonlight? What about the tiny gobies who have that pouty expression and the magnificent patterns? Or the wrasses who seem to glide effortlessle through the water? Or the tang who thinks he is hiding when he puts only his head under a rock (like I can't see the rest of his entire body?)? How can I pick just one?
Ok, for me, it's this female. A wonderful, personable fish who greets me in the morning, and seems to really attempt to communicate with me and her tankmates. Not only is she a healthy strong fish who gives me fry for Christmas, she is captive bred and completely care free: