the most expensive hobbys

Anyone else feel they picked the most expensive hobbys?
I cant even afford to paintball, yet I go everyweekend. Im at the field, but seldomly actually play.
I play poker everynight, I guess Ive probably broke even at that, I might be down a few. But when I go down I go down...
SW tanks eat my pocket up!!!
On top of that, I just spent 80 bucks getting all my stuff together for my dive this weekend.

anyone else have lots of expensive hobbys that you cant resist, but cant really do very often either?


Active Member
1. Golf $$$$
2. Saltwater Aquariums $$$
3. Bonsai $$
4. Biking $ (only after dropping $$$$$$ on a Gary Fisher)


1. Saltwater Aquariums $$$
2. Computers $$$
3. Hunting $$
4. Bonsai $$ New Hobby
Did someone say poker I have 8 dogs playing poker prints and One dogs playing pool large print. I can't wait to put them up in order, they actually form a single story. They are great.


Active Member
Other than that just surfing, and thats not expensive...I am an avid ping pong player as well....also not expensive. X-box games are a little pricey though.


Staff member
What irony, you have to pay to have fun. But, look on the bright side. One hobby that is! :D


bronco- nice 300, i like the little vents in between the headlights
3.painting (oils are crazy expensive)
4. and I guess driving out to the creek to fish and catch snakes is getting rather expensive with the stupid gas prices nowadays.


Not that this hobby is cheap in anyway. But my wife sure like's me doing it more then racing and we enjoy this together.


Active Member
SW tank $$$
Husbands classic car $
and many hobbies that have gone by the wayside becasue
KIDS... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

007 ; my cousins husband just spent 6 grand on a bike :scared: He is more than an avid biker. But still, 6g's??


Now that I'm married I play golf which can get pretty pricey. I guess I'm not as involved with my tanks as you guys are. I don't really think it's that expensive once you have your equipment purchased. My new hobbie is my house. I would much rather put money into it and get it back when I sell it.
Before I was married hobbies were a different story. Cars, shifter karts, jet skis, etc. I look back on that now as a huge waste of money.


1. drag racing (gave that up way to much)
2. Motocross
3. saltwater
4. boating (cheapest due to seasonal)
Had to give up the car doing more motocross than anything only thing is now fuel for my bike is $30 for 5 gal. of 105 oct. but i go through that every three weeks or so.


1. alcohal- at least $80 or so per week and that's assuming that i don't go out on the weekends. but if i do then that $80 turns into about a $300 weekly expense.
btw, how is bonsai expensive? i did it once and all it cost me was my patience, a plant, pot, and clippers.


Active Member

Originally posted by Purity
btw, how is bonsai expensive? i did it once and all it cost me was my patience, a plant, pot, and clippers.

There are a couple ways that bonsai CAN be expensive . . . and with most things, its all up front.
For example, my concave branch cutters were $120, the shears were a bargain at $80, then there are the pots which range from 1 dollar to basically anything. I have seen $5K pots before. The soil ain't cheap either . . . you can't just go into your yard and dig some up. This isn't even including the plant itself. Go to any nursery and look at how expensive a japanese maple is . . . . at least $300 for a small one. Sure you can buy a seedling for like $10, but do you have any idea how long it can take to turn into a tree? I have a japanese maple seedling that I am hoping will qualify as a bonsai by the time I retire. I have seen already finished bonsai's that sell for $10K. No joke.
So all in all . . . its just like any other hobby. It depends on how involved you are. It can be pricey if you really get into it, but if you just want a little tree in a pot then its probably not going to cost you more than $50.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishkiller
Bronco- youz lucky! Try $480 each! Ouch!!:nope:

What size tires do you have?


I don't call it a hobby more a need. But working on yourself is expensive. $4k for braces. $2.5 lasik eye surgery. Glad I the rest of me is in good condition, except for the minor beer gut. I should go jog that off or do the unthinkable stop enjoying beer.
Oh I forgot the expensive one $7k left in student loans. At least they can't reposssess what you put into yourself.


my husband just got into a new hobbie, so I have saltwater, he has this ....$300 bucks right here