the most expensive hobbys

Originally posted by 007
1. Golf $$$$
2. Saltwater Aquariums $$$
3. Bonsai $$
4. Biking $ (only after dropping $$$$$$ on a Gary Fisher)

Yea I feel ya on the gary fisher, just after I bought mine my brother gave me his...


Active Member

Originally posted by midwest reefer
Yea I feel ya on the gary fisher, just after I bought mine my brother gave me his...

It was expensive, but damn I love that bike! It makes riding that much more enjoyable when you have a nice bike to ride.



Originally posted by midwest reefer
Anyone else feel they picked the most expensive hobbys?
I cant even afford to paintball, yet I go everyweekend. Im at the field, but seldomly actually play.
I play poker everynight, I guess Ive probably broke even at that, I might be down a few. But when I go down I go down...
SW tanks eat my pocket up!!!
On top of that, I just spent 80 bucks getting all my stuff together for my dive this weekend.

anyone else have lots of expensive hobbys that you cant resist, but cant really do very often either?

I just started out in January with my 75g aquarium. The amount of money that i have put into is just keeps going up and up with time as i see what i need, new fish, food, ext...
I also love to play poker all the time. the problem with that is that we have the Seminole Hard Rock Casino. Its really cool because its a fun place to go. But if your not up in funds then your wallet will become emply every quickly. Plus i play poker online all the time too at I saw some post they have the dogs poster. This is also up in my bedroom.


Active Member
Well, SWF is a very expensive hobby, and now that we've gone whole hog on the reef tank, it's even worse...
But the rest aren't too bad, I don't think:
Target shooting is some good, cheap fun...the best "bang" for your buck. The guns set me back, but heck, since they were one time expenses, I don't count them...
Fishing is cheap, especially since I'm not serious about it. I got my pole at Walmart, for crying out loud...
My motorcycle iseconomical on gas...and since it's a Yamaha, it's not a "fix it" project, like some Harley owners I know have!
My dog is super cheap...except for the vacuum bags and belts I'm constantly replacing....
I usually eat out and drink for free (one of the few perks of my job, yahoooooo) no gripes there...
I have a basic Dell, for Godssake, so my computer is cheap...
OK, shoes...I still have this thing with shoes...but I wouldn't call it a hobby (though my boyfriend probably would)
...the snakes are threatening to get expensive, but I think we can keep it reasonable with a little DIY work!
All my camping stuff is hand-me-down, so no serious expenses there...
Yup, so that and ----. Good thing I"m saving so much on the rest of the stuff! Whew.


Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
Bronco- are those OZ Monte Carlos on that thing???

They are OZ rims,Monte Carlo F1's 17"...went and checked my receipt to make sure.


Active Member
thanks Polar....I fogot the shoes, those summer payless specials are coming out

and my daughter and husbands stuff for target shooting is cheap fun.


Active Member
You people must be shooting some cheap loads, or I need to find a new source for ammo. If I take an ar, or sks out to the range that'll run me a couple of hundred. If I take any of the pistols theres a good hundred. If I take my hunting rifle that'll usually be about $50. When I shoot trap or skeet, well there goes at least a hundred. When I shoot on a league, that'll run a few hundred a month minimum.


Active Member
I shoot pistols (9 & .45 handgun and .22 target)...sometimes reloads...and it doesn't cost me NEAR what you are paying.
I don't go shooting every or two weekends a month...but WOW, that's a lot of dough your spending.


Active Member
my Dad reloads almost all for us. He is really serious shooter and everyone scoops up the shells for him and he take them home.


Active Member
I reloaded for a long time, but I can get 500 rds for about $100 for pistol,so I figured it's not worth it. The rifles I buy in bulk, a few cases at a time, and end up paying around $100 for a 1000 rounds. Plus the wife shoots, and uses almost as much as me. The shotgun ammo is still cheaper to reload, and I still do reload those, but the hulls are only worth reloading a few times.
I still have at least a few thousands brass empties in the garage. I may reload those, take to the range, and leave the empties there when I'm done.
The pistols I'll blow through around 250-500 rounds every visit to the range. The rifles I'll go through 500-1000 rounds per trip. When I shoot trap and skeet thats always at least a few hundred rounds.
Pretty funny, another woman that can shoot a 45. My wife gets funny looks all the time when whe's shooting her kimber or springfield. Most guys think it's to much gun for a woman to handle. The bad thing is she's more accurate than most of the guys at the range. Nothing ticks them off more than being outshot by a woman.



Originally posted by StacyT
The bad thing is she's more accurate than most of the guys at the range. Nothing ticks them off more than being outshot by a woman.

Hah, nothing ticks men off more than when I beat EVERY single one of them at pool.


Active Member
I think overall woman are better at a lot of things. I think it's because they are more patient, and can concetrate better than men. You know us guys have a hard time concentrating.



Originally posted by StacyT
I think overall woman are better at a lot of things. I think it's because they are more patient, and can concetrate better than men. You know us guys have a hard time concentrating.

Usually because you're all too busy staring at women


Active Member
Originally posted by StacyT . Nothing ticks them off more than being outshot by a woman. [/B]
You got that right, when my daughter and I shoot, especially my daughter, they act interested, but I don't think they are.