The move..... from planning to completion.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I'm going to make my last purchase for awhile.... Book: 101 Things to do with Ramen Noodles.
LOL...When we first came to OK....we had 6 kids in the house...I wasn't working, and my husband was on unemployment....inOK that was $240 a week...of which $120 went to his ex-wife...oh did I mention we had his 2 kids too (LOL)
ANYWAY....I fed a house of 8..paid a

[hr] payment...electric....and school stuff..on $120 a week...OH did I mention I got nothing from my kids father (LOL)
I have faith in you Renee....LOL....


Ya know I would pay an entry fee to view your fish and aquariums. You have more neat stuff than most public aquariums. Maybe you should set up an aggressive fish public aquarium for a hobby business. Can I have royalties for the idea?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...yeah how about a guest house :)
HEY got any pics yet???
Full tour tomorrow. Not sure if the owners will be there or not. If they are, it may not be kosher to take pics.
Originally Posted by IbanEz

Can I have royalties for the idea?
You are invited every night for Ramen Noodles.


Active Member
Definitely want to see pics of this house and all the "perfect" places that you have to put tanks.
There is actually a website for college students and it's a guide to making tasty dishes out of ramen noodles.


Active Member
Figured I wouldn't mention it because it seems to be a dirty word around here.
We're making an offer.... this move in gonna suck.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Figured I wouldn't mention it because it seems to be a dirty word around here.
We're making an offer.... this move in gonna suck.
Is this still the first house you looked at, with the fruit trees? No point in looking any further?