The play by play on a Jebo 180 skimmer


Hey all! I am awaiting delivery today of my Jebo 180 HOB skimmer. Given all the debate (good natured of course) regarding skimmers and cost I want to give a pictorial review with commentary. Starting from the box, on into operation over the next couple weeks I will give you all the play by play and pics here. Weather it works great or is a true POS it will be a honest review. Hope you enjoy, look for the inital pics tonight!


It has arrived, behold! The packing was great, good e-bay seller here. Check out the nice air bladders to keep stuff from moving. Up next inital set-up pics!


looks sweet. You are lucky, a lot of ---- sellers just throw junk in there. Tell me how it works. I love getting stuff in the mail like that, its a fun and exciting thing. Good luck.


I just bought the in-Sump verion of this Skimmer,

I will also show a play by play of the istalation when it gets here I am cautiously optimistic
that if nothing else, for my 55g the Skimmer will be a valid one rven if I have to repower it.
I also got the Jebo bg2200 powerhead with "Biological Filter attachment", and 360 degree rotater, and will let all know how this works out as well

55 g
130w 50/50 PC
130w 10000k PC
130w Actinic PC
~ 50 lbs of Live rock
Several pieces Gorgonian
Onc piece Orange Tree Sponge
Some Zoos and Mushroom Rocks
2 Percula Clownfish
2 horseshoe crabs
Royal Gramma
Mandarin Dragonet
Rusty Clown Gobi
Bartlett Anthias
2 Firefish Gobi
2 peppermint Shrimp
2 Green Emeralds (with red color ?)
Various Snails and Hermits
DIY Mud Filter -900 GPH
Large amount of Brillopad Algae in Fliter


here is what the powerhead looks like assembled
BioBalls in the center of the Yellow Filter.


Keep the info coming. Nothing like a detailed review. I may pick one up if it works out for u. BTW how much did u pay?


Hey folks sorry about the delay, had to get through the weekend to get a bit of free time in the week to post :) The pics will be up tonight but I have the HOB 180 currently "breaking-in" in a bucket. I am doing this because when they say that stuff like slime coat will make a skimmer loose its mind...well they were telling the truth. It was like some tiwsted screen saver in my tank, just hazed out with microbubbles. I made a fresh batch of water, added a good amount of tank water and set the skimmer in the bucket. What do ya know, no bubbles in the bucket. I can now also control the level of the water. Before it was all white foam filling the collection cup in 5 min. Now nothing but its just been running a day. Pics to soon follow!


do you use slimecoat in your tank? if you do your skimmer will not work unless all of the slime coat is gone


I hang my head in shame LOL yea i am guilty of slime coat...thus the bucket system. I am going to move the skimmer into the tank again tommrow to see if it's all gone. I have carbon running to help in the process. I will post pics of things up to this point here in a bit!


here are some pics of the skimmer out of the box. It feels well built, the plastic is sturdy and everything fit together well and no leaks!


sorry about the blurr in the last pic, gotta stop chasing the dragon before posting (jokes, just jokes!) heres another


the instruction manual that came with it focused mainly on assembly. there were some instructions on getting it running and the possiable break in period, but nothing indepth. I am going to move the skimmer from the bucket to the tank tonight or tommrow to see if my indcression (sp) with the slime coat has gone away. I will post pics of it in the bucket to give everyone an idea of it running and then on the tank. to end this post heres a quick pic of me tank (first i have posted) well part of the tank anyway. you get the head of tangie (my wife names the fish, and is not orginal about it :D ) the arse of clownie and my blue yellow damsel. more to follow


so how is the skimmer doing? How much is it collecting a day? Notice the tank being any cleaner? Let us know.


sorry about the lull folks, will be pics and good stories up soon...everything is not going perfect yet but not the skimmers fault...more to follow!