The real reason Libs hate Sarah Palin


Active Member
Wrong - They love her - The GOP needs to keep her, that way the LIBs can keep the majority. I didn't see the outrage when she was slamming the US on foreign soil - Speaking engaement - $$$$. What would you expect from the Right WEBsite PJTV anything negative about GOP as a whole - she one of them.


Active Member
As long as Palin is out of office and not a candidate the Libs hurt themselves by keeping up the petty attacks. Responding to a specific comment she might make is fair game but most reasonable people were really offended by the way her family was attacked during the campaign.


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IF that's the best and brightest the GOP have - they will NEVER get my vote back...


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Originally Posted by zman1
IF that's the best and brightest the GOP have - they will NEVER get my vote back...
I would have voted for about anything as opposed to Obama but I know what you mean. Palin has an excellent attitude as far as being willing to go after corruption in her own political circle and I think "She gets it" as far as Washingtons effect on main street America but that doesn't mean she's presidential material.
There isn't much out there from either party to get excited about right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
As long as Palin is out of office and not a candidate the Libs hurt themselves by keeping up the petty attacks. Responding to a specific comment she might make is fair game but most reasonable people were really offended by the way her family was attacked during the campaign.
I agree, MSNBC just love extending her 15 minutes of fame. I absolutely can't stand her, but it is her politics I don't agree with. I don't doubt for a minute she was born in this country or is anything other than a capitalist of the first order. I think she will continue being coy about running for president or maybe actually run long enough to build a big fat war chest, but I don't see it going any further than that, because she continues to pander to her base only. No way will she ever get the moderate vote.


Active Member
She might run for the Senate. I would like to see more people like her in the Congress. Being on of 100 votes is a lot different than being "The Decider".


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Well, even though I don't like anything with the last name Clinton, even I will admit that being on the hill seems to have had a positive change on Hillary. So I guess anything is possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
She might run for the Senate. I would like to see more people like her in the Congress. Being on of 100 votes is a lot different than being "The Decider".
You honestly think she would get the vote after quitting the last job that she was elected to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
You honestly think she would get the vote after quitting the last job that she was elected to?
William Jefferson was re elected after being video taped taking a 100,000 dollar bribe. Ted Kennedy was re elected how many times after his little drive and dive incident? Marion Berry after being seen on tape, tried and convicted of using coke. You seriously think someone resigning for "personal" reasons midway through a term is a deal breaker?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
William Jefferson was re elected after being video taped taking a 100,000 dollar bribe. Ted Kennedy was re elected how many times after his little drive and dive incident? Marion Berry after being seen on tape, tried and convicted of using coke. You seriously think someone resigning for "personal" reasons midway through a term is a deal breaker?
For her, yes. She resigned so she could cash in on her fleeting moment of fame.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
For her, yes. She resigned so she could cash in on her fleeting moment of fame.
And she could just as easily make the case she left office to try to end the unprecedented media attack on she and her family. I think she would be a pretty sure bet if she ran against the Democrat senator that was elected by default last election. Don't know if she could unseat a incumbent Republican there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And she could just as easily make the case she left office to try to end the unprecedented media attack on she and her family. I think she would be a pretty sure bet if she ran against the Democrat senator that was elected by default last election. Don't know if she could unseat a incumbent Republican there.
Sure, and how much did she cash in on the speaking engagement in Hong Kong that she would not have gotten if she was still in office? Personally I think she saw the writing on the wall that her political career was over and wanted to get as much cash out of her 15 minutes as possible before she thankfully fades into obscurity.

angler man

Personally I think she saw the writing on the wall that her political career was over and wanted to get as much cash out of her 15 minutes as possible before she thankfully fades into obscurity.
Did you watch the video? Curious, what didn't you like about her?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Angler man
Personally I think she saw the writing on the wall that her political career was over and wanted to get as much cash out of her 15 minutes as possible before she thankfully fades into obscurity.

Did you watch the video? Curious, what didn't you like about her?
I didnt watch it here at work, I'll check it out when I get home later. I dont like her because I think she's a blooming idiot who holds herself up as a model conservative who seemingly forced her child to have a child because she would lose the conservative right wing vote if she allowed her to have an abortion. She also can't seem to answer a question that wasnt scripted ahead of time. I mean, come on, she couldnt even answer a question about what newspaper she read.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Sure, and how much did she cash in on the speaking engagement in Hong Kong that she would not have gotten if she was still in office? Personally I think she saw the writing on the wall that her political career was over and wanted to get as much cash out of her 15 minutes as possible before she thankfully fades into obscurity.
She may have. If she is out for good I really wouldn't blame her. It isn't like small town mayors or governors of smaller states exactly clean up on the salary and benefits package. One thing I will give her is she left office to cash in if that is the case. A lot of politicians start in while they are still on the government payroll.


Active Member
I am a liberal. I think she is an imbecile. I was offended that she was even chosen as anyone's running mate because they obviously believe we are really that stupid.