The Rock had air in his pouch.


I just got done releasing some air from one of my male's pouch (The Rock). Yesterday I noticed his pouch was a little distented, but thought maybe he is pregnent. Today I could see that he was having a hard time staying boyent while trying to swim. While he was hitched he was fine, and his appetite is ferocious! Sooo, I got a bobby pin with a rubber tip on it, sterilized it real good, then grabbed a dab of neosporine for a little lubricant, I grabbed The Rock, man he didn't really care for that! But he eventually calmed down. Then I found the opening of his pouch and blub, blub, blub, out came the air!
I set him free and he swam around the tank a few times, then hitched up, to rest I suppose. He seems to be ok now, (calmed down and has his bouancy back). What I was wondering from all of you, do you think I may need to do a follow up? I wonder how he got the air in there in the first place? I mean, I don't have micro bubbles in the tank or any thing like that. Does this just happen some times...
Any way, he seems fine for the moment, I'll keep you all posted of his progress!


Active Member
How old is The Rock? Does he have a mate and have they been successful breeding?
I have heard that so-called "virgin" males develope the pouch emphysema more commonly than, well, those who are not virgin.
I wonder if it has to do with the seahorses body, at certain times, being ready to breed and creating an issue that way.


Active Member
what size tank is he in and what is the depth?
do u have a skimmer?
what kind of seahorse and whats his size?


I got The Rock The first week of March, so I'm thinking he's 8 or 9 months old. There are females in the tank (Snickers, Loretta, & Eva) along with one more male (Elvis). There has been no mating as of yet, though the males do put on a pretty impessive show from time to time. Eveyone in the tank is under 1 year old. The males are the oldest, and I'm judging this by size... They are all Kuda's, the males are apprx. 4" long and the females, Loretta and Eva are about 2 1/2" long (sisters), with Snickers at about 3". I have them in a 35 gal. octagon that is 24" tall. There is 55 lbs. of LR, 2" LS with lighting that came with the tank. I believe that lower lighting produces more pod production, whalla, more natural food for the ponies. I feed daily one cube of mysis with a dash of variety foods, etc: flake, krill, cyclopeese... for the other tank mates (Leo, the Spotted Manderin, Thing 1 & Thing 2, the Fire Gobys). I have a Red Sea Skimmer, and also a HOB filter that doubles as a small fuge. I do Bi weekly 20% water changes. My set up is 1 yr. old and I started adding the ponies in January of this year.
FYI: The Rock seems to be much better today. His pouch looks a little larger than normal, but I'm gonna give him a day or two before messing with him again. He is swimming, hitching and eating good, so I'll leave well enough alone for now...
Thanks Ponie girl and reafreak for your replies!
What do ya's think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
I got The Rock The first week of March, so I'm thinking he's 8 or 9 months old. There are females in the tank (Snickers, Loretta, & Eva) along with one more male (Elvis). There has been no mating as of yet, though the males do put on a pretty impessive show from time to time. Eveyone in the tank is under 1 year old. The males are the oldest, and I'm judging this by size... They are all Kuda's, the males are apprx. 4" long and the females, Loretta and Eva are about 2 1/2" long (sisters), with Snickers at about 3". I have them in a 35 gal. octagon that is 24" tall. There is 55 lbs. of LR, 2" LS with lighting that came with the tank. I believe that lower lighting produces more pod production, whalla, more natural food for the ponies. I feed daily one cube of mysis with a dash of variety foods, etc: flake, krill, cyclopeese... for the other tank mates (Leo, the Spotted Manderin, Thing 1 & Thing 2, the Fire Gobys). I have a Red Sea Skimmer, and also a HOB filter that doubles as a small fuge. I do Bi weekly 20% water changes. My set up is 1 yr. old and I started adding the ponies in January of this year.
FYI: The Rock seems to be much better today. His pouch looks a little larger than normal, but I'm gonna give him a day or two before messing with him again. He is swimming, hitching and eating good, so I'll leave well enough alone for now...
Thanks Ponie girl and reafreak for your replies!
What do ya's think?

first off i would like to say it sounds like you have a very nice set up
secondly based on what you said im going to say the rock has pouch emphysema due to decaying embrionic mater in the pouch wich produces gas and bloating. this happens to virgin seahorses (ones that havnt mated yet)
keep an eye on him if its chronic then we will discuse it as needed but for now if its just every couple weeks go ahead and keep doing a manual evac like u did before.


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
Thank's reefreak. I'll do that, and keep you posted of the situation.

sounds good , hopefully someone else will chime in as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
first off i would like to say it sounds like you have a very nice set up
secondly based on what you said im going to say the rock has pouch emphysema due to decaying embrionic mater in the pouch wich produces gas and bloating. this happens to virgin seahorses (ones that havnt mated yet)
keep an eye on him if its chronic then we will discuse it as needed but for now if its just every couple weeks go ahead and keep doing a manual evac like u did before.

Yes, I have read some about this. I agree.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Yes, I have read some about this. I agree.
sorry im not the best with words but this is what i was talking about with the gas thing, and deeper tanks with more presure is needed for self flushing

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
sorry im not the best with words but this is what i was talking about with the gas thing, and deeper tanks with more presure is needed for self flushing

Even with a deeper tank your virgin seahorses will still eventually encounter this problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Even with a deeper tank your virgin seahorses will still eventually encounter this problem
i totaly agree , a deeper tank is an advantage though


The Rock looks like he's doing good today. Back to his self as far as hunting and swimming around the tank. His pouch is slightly bloughted today, but not too bad. Here is a picture of the old boy.


Originally Posted by crossan
that is a nice horse. Is that fake plant?
Thank you crossan, It is a fake plant. I have 4 fake plants in the tank. I tried shaving brush plants but they died, and I can't seem to find anything else to put in.


Active Member
Wow, flpriest, that's a beautiful horse, and a great picture!!!
I've also added a few fake plants to my horse tank, mostly for the hitching and hunting benefits...though I also think they look pretty cool.
Also, I'm glad to hear that the Rock is doing well after his ordeal.


Active Member
My, he looks very healthy!
At 8 or 9 months old, he is just reaching sexual maturity (it is based on the development of the pouch, varies with species).
I have searched and can't find info on how wild males deal with any such phenomenon. But they must?
I think he looks just prime, flpriest, a beauty!


Thank you Michelle and Lisa! He is a picturesk (sp) young man.
I had to evac his pouch again today. He wasn't swimming werd or anything, just really bloughted. His attitude was a little better this time though... I wonder how long the poor fellow will have to go through this.
I was wondering the same thing as you Michelle... male seahorses have to go through this in the wild. I mean humans can't be there all the time... Even though we would love to be, and problably better off we're not. I can't find any info on it either...
But anyway, The Rock has his tiny little belly back for a few day's.
Wow., I guess I never really wished for anyone to loose their virginity before... well maybe myself when I was younger...


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
Thank you Michelle and Lisa! He is a picturesk (sp) young man.
I had to evac his pouch again today. He wasn't swimming werd or anything, just really bloughted. His attitude was a little better this time though... I wonder how long the poor fellow will have to go through this.
I was wondering the same thing as you Michelle... male seahorses have to go through this in the wild. I mean humans can't be there all the time... Even though we would love to be, and problably better off we're not. I can't find any info on it either...
But anyway, The Rock has his tiny little belly back for a few day's.
Wow., I guess I never really wished for anyone to loose their virginity before... well maybe myself when I was younger...

I hope that things go well with the Rock and that he, well, you know...before too long.

Good luck Rock, oh, and you too flpriest...tee-hee


Just an update on The Rock. He still needs to be tended to about every three to four days. He is still eating well and getting around well when not over inflated... He is getting used to the proceedure though of being deflated, it doesn't seem to bother him as much. I'm sure that what ever is in there will soon be gone... right. Is there anything else that I might be able to do for him?
Oh, and on a side note, I've been watching Elvis and Loretta do the mating dance for the past couple of days. What a beautiful display!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Unfortunately there isn't much more you can do....besides make sure there are no bubbles in the water. This is most likely going to be regular procedure for you now....Sorry.