the shark tank?



does anyone know why we cant see swf's shark tank message boards? <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


See under your name you are a damsel, and I am a sixline wrasse, Once you help a few thousand people you clould be a shark then you can get into the shark room.

sinner's girl

you don't become a shark by the number of post you make, they have to pick you. you have to know your stuff and give good advice...


so whats in it? and what do i need to do? and how long does it take? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

mr . salty

Active Member
The shark tank is a wonderfull and beautifull place.It never fails to bring tears to a new sharks eyes the first time they see it.But it's not all fun and games.We do have some pretty indepth discussions at times.Like just the other day we were arguing if ro/di water makes better ice cubes than tap.And another time it was Reef chrystals or Instant ocean,Which is better on Hardee's curley fries????To get into the tank,you must be a SHARK(moderator).


Having been a shark/moderator I'll tell you that they did not call me up and ask if i wanted to become one, i didn't have to send an application, nor did they in any way test my knowledge (or lack thereof). One day I was just happily replying to someones post (probably about cycling or something), and noticed I had a different name and the ability to delete posts (which I never used). While I have to say we have some incredibly knowledgable sharks around here which we should all be grateful for, I assure you if you are taking/or not taking advice based on rank you would really be missing out and missing the point of the board. Think about it people--were you interviewed when you became a member??? While you may have entered the amount of years you've been in this hobby--they didn't exactly call up and verify it did they?? whether you have 3mos or 30years experience you still start at the bottom. Just because your ranked a damsel doesn't make you a newbie!! And perhaps some of the higher ranked people have less experience, just more time on the board. While there are alot more rankings now I can pretty much guarantee it works the same way.
Please, Please understand this guys--
shark or damsel-they are still OPINIONS and all are valuable.
There now almost 6000 members to learn from!!!!
Take advantage


Mr. Salty Ro water works best. The main reason why ice makers break down is because tap waters sediments build up inside them. ;)


Staff member
I can't much add to the substance of what Sammy said, but I can give you some Moderator history.
The first Shark selections were made by the owners. However, by the time that Kris became a shark, I believe the owners were taking members' preferences into account. In the past year, however, either the owners and/or moderators have been making Shark selections based on many factors which Sammy precisely detailed.
As for the ranking aside from Sharks, it is simply a matter of # of posts on the BB. Implying, I believe, that there is value placed on member longevity.
As for Salty’s description of the Shark Tank....he is right on the chum! The Shark Tank is an extraordinary place where the waters are deep blue and the feeding is great! We do have an occasional Shark Attack in there [You can only imagine what its like with all these male Sharks!] but I , exuding a calm, stabilizing, and not to mention charming, influence in the Tank, am able to keep things pretty much under control with all these feisty he-Sharks. LOL


Staff member
Ed said, "and even have had the unfortunate experience to moderate moderators."
Care to elaborate? :D


Thanks for clearing up the new policy on sharkdom. I'm REALLY glad there is a MUCH better way of determining who becomes one. This board has come a long way! I love it more now than ever. (although I still think people place too much value on status)


Ahhhhh yes,the Rock, The reef ranger,you sammy, MR.SALTY,beth (and her nitrates,lol), and me, broomer I think was a mere jumbo I
Those were days--
And yes I did believe status even then was merely based on number of replies-we were even going to try testing the theory by asking a juvi to reply to every single post with "you are a dumbass" and see how fast he climbed the proverbial ladder to sharkhood.
Anyway you guys did a bang up job of keeping up the place!
It's nice to be home.
(almost 6000 members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that still just blows my mind)


ro/di does not make good ice cubes. they are brittle and dont come out of the tray. i tried. i could have been in 0n that one. o well just learn my sh@# and one day maybe one day........


well apearently i didnt have my drinking hat on, and that avitar byron is cool the two faces banging glasses, cool.


not to be nosy but, kris, why aren't you a shark now? I'm sure you have as much knowledge (or more) as you did before.


you know i am going to have to go and try to make the RO/DI cubes.
i like the instant ocean salt better for my drinks though . . . . . . .


I didn't exactly have my year long vacation approved. I'm sure that had something to do with it :D


I was wondering who feeds the Shark Tank? Has a water change been done lately? What about scraping algae off the glass?......surley someone must have to do that ungrateful job.


Active Member
oh no .. the shark tank never needs cleaning, and there is food like you would not imagine.
As Mr.Salty said "The shark tank is a wonderful and beautifull place."
It's sort of a saltwater utopia, nothing but clear clean pristine waters, and such a joy to swim in.
The shark tank is truely a place of ideal perfection ;)
broomer <~~~~~ still wiping a tear from the corner of my eye <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />