the start of my 20L adventure lol


Active Member
yay lol an i dont know when im gonna go pick em up, gotta get with the guy on that, but yeah, im gettin 3 of em, i wonder, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 3x aquaclear 110's modded over to be fuges LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hey, if he's givin me 3, why not use 3? lol an im closin up the store now, so ill be home in less than an hour
Heck Yeah connect all 3 together making a very nice fuge

Oh Yeah.....
We Need Pictures


Active Member
well guys, here goes ur pics, LOL
i stopped by lowes today to check out some things, an ended up walking out with about 400 bucks worth of lumber, for 20 bucks LOL and a bag of sand, im not sure if it will be ok with my tank, its listed as play sand, an it was only 3 bucks for a 50lb bag, so if it wont work, oh well LOL but, here's ur pics :p
sorry the pic is upside down but its the bag of sand i got

here's the wood i got

this is a 4x8 sheet of 3/4" sanded birch that i was glad to see on the discount buggy LOL

an here's a pic of the tank, i hate it being so empty, but, im gettin there, a lil bit at a time


Active Member
jess has even said that once we get the money for this butcher block we are selling, i can buy the canopy for the tank an the salt, so that will put me even closer to what i need, an i might even be able to talk her into letting me buy some base rock if we can get it for a really good price
which will put me that much closer to having my tank set up an cycling


Active Member
hey, u said u wanted pics, so i got u some pics LOL i got a bunch of plywood, marine, an some finished/sanded white birch plywood, an a bunch of 1x6's an some molding, roughly 400 bucks of wood if i bought full length/size pieces, for 20 bucks LOL plus that bag of sand, i hope it will work for my tank, so im hopin people who know will tell me its ok to use in my tank LOL


i dont have any experience using play sand, nor do i ever want to risk it. if i were you, i'd toss that bag into the trunk for more traction on the way to the LFS to pick up some aragonite. seems like too big a risk to me to save twenty-some bucks. i hope i'm wrong, but i figure if it was okay to use, dont you think everyone would use it?


Active Member
2 weeks, hopefully, depends on how things go, but, should be 2 weeks, an we get some saltwater in it, and u can use playground sand, it just has to be, its either silica or silicate free, 1journeyman is the man to talk to, im really hopin to get him to take a look at this thread, i think im gonna shoot him a private message to get him to take a look an see what he thinks


Yeah you can use playground sand just seed it with some sand from an established aquarium, lots of people go this route...


Active Member
lol yeah, ive done some research on it, but im still not sure on what specific type of playground sand i need, an it is the color me an jess both want in the tank, so, hopefully i can use it


Originally Posted by cal559
Yeah you can use playground sand just seed it with some sand from an established aquarium, lots of people go this route...
Bos, there's a web site that has live sand activator; it's like 5.00 a lb. I'll pm you the website. Don't think I can post here because they sell CUC. Might be worth trying or checking out.
Good start!! woo hooo finally on your way!!!


Active Member
hey buddy! tank looking great man! i cant wait for it to be set up! sell w.e your selling i wanna see that tank filled up before spring break!
thanks for the pics!


Active Member
i am getting my aquaclear 110's tomorrow morning before i go to work, so, ill have those tomorrow, an here's what has happened with the butcher block getting sold, kinda upsets me that people can be this stupid, now, we had this thing listed on craigslist, an when u search craigslist, u gotta choose a city and state, right? well, check out these emails from the lady who had me an jess all excited about getting that thing sold
So sorry. Not real computer lit. Did not realize you were in Wa. I live in SC. No way can I have something that heavy shipped. Really would love to own it, though.
--- On Fri, 1/9/09, mike b <> wrote:
From: mike b <>
Subject: Re: here's the pic of the butcher block
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 3:15 PM
we are at 17605 n.e. lucia falls road, yacolt wa, but, we will gladly meet you in battleground whenever you want, just let us know when.
thanks linda
--- On Fri, 1/9/09, Linda BrownLee <> wrote:
From: Linda BrownLee <>
Subject: Re: here's the pic of the butcher block
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 1:41 PM
Hey, Mike:
Thanks for gettin back to me so soon. I want it! Where are you? How do we connect? What are you asking for it? I can pay cash!
--- On Thu, 1/8/09, mike b <> wrote:
From: mike b <>
Subject: here's the pic of the butcher block
Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 5:19 PM
here's the pic of the butcher block you requested linda


Not sure how she could have messed that up...I mean, like you have to pick a state and city

takes all kinds...