the start of my 20L adventure lol


Active Member
ok, here it is guys, the long awaited arrival of my 20 long
i already know what my stocklist is going to be LOL and am currently working on getting my hands on a pair, read that, 2, aqua clear 110 powerfilters, gonna have dual HOB fuges
. i plan on getting about 30lbs of sand, jess wants black sand, or black an white sand, yay lol, along with 20 lbs of LR in the tank, an then some LRR in the fuges.
for a stocklist, its going to go like this:
2x B&W Ocellaris clowns
1x purple firefish
1x pink spotted watchman goby w/ pistol shrimp
1x pygmy cherub angel
and now, here's my tank

and yes, i know, it needs a good cleaning, thats tomorrow's project LOL


Nice your on your way!!!!!
I am thinking about doing a 20 gallon long too i will see how you set this bad boy


Active Member
good luck.. cherub will kill the firefish first, the watchman second, then the clowns. Better get a lid too with the firefish.. definitely a jumper.


Active Member
u dont think the twin fuges is too much? im thinking that with 2 of those hooked up movin the water around, i might only need 1 powerhead LOL


Active Member
the cherub isnt definite LOL i honestly dont know what the last fish is gonna be, but, the first 4 fish are definite for sure


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
u dont think the twin fuges is too much? im thinking that with 2 of those hooked up movin the water around, i might only need 1 powerhead LOL
2 AC 110s is awesome man.. you'll have to change the impellers though or there will be major sand dunes in that tank lol.


Active Member
how exactly should i go about changing the impellers? or should i shorten the down tube on it some instead? ive found the websites i need to know how to do what i gotta do to the ac 110's, just gotta get my hands on em lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
how exactly should i go about changing the impellers? or should i shorten the down tube on it some instead? ive found the websites i need to know how to do what i gotta do to the ac 110's, just gotta get my hands on em lol.
nah just go to the LFS and buy 2 replacement lower flowing impellers.. they're like $3 each.


Active Member
thanks guys, i cant wait either, for the start, this tank is gonna be FOWLR til we can afford the lights i want for it LOL but, i figure by the time i can get the lights, the tank will be set up long enough to start puttin corals in it


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
i am undecided weather to get a 20 or 30 gallon , i am about ready to start mine and i am also watching.

if you can get your hands on a 30 or 33 long, go with that, it will give you that much more space/room. the cheapest ive seen 33 longs around here is 110 bucks, an i just aint payin that for a tank that size LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
if you can get your hands on a 30 or 33 long, go with that, it will give you that much more space/room. the cheapest ive seen 33 longs around here is 110 bucks, an i just aint payin that for a tank that size LOL
33long is a shallow tank.. I'd do one with minimal rock in the display and put most the rock&sand in a sump... zoa, paly, ric carpet the floor of the display.. put a few rocks in there for LPS and stuff.. 2 or 4bulb T5HO.. it'd be cool IMO..


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
33 long is just as shallow as a 20 long, just 18" longer LOL
yeah.. but the fact that its a 4foot tank makes it look REALLY shallow... could definitely do lots of cool things with one though.


i havent seen a 33, ill have to look . i have a 40 breeder which is way wide ,would love the space but not sure i can do the lights or a place to put it


Active Member
my next tank after this one, an when we get our own place, is gonna be a 40 breeder, i love how wide they are, but then, i love a wider rather than taller tank lol


if i had room in my livingroom i would def put it up, just because i already have it. im not real fond of the metal stand either,still thinking