the start of my 20L adventure lol


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
actually it was a couple of people around here who have fragging operations set up lol
And they say that their SWING ARM, not lab grade, floating, glass hydrometer, is as accurate as a refractometer?


Active Member
here's an idea, ive been told that lava rock is safe for use as base rock, and i know if i get the right kinda playground sand, its safe as well, well, how about i get about 20lbs of lava rock to use as base rock an get about 5lbs of live rock to seed that with, an then get about 40lbs of playground sand, an get a cup of sand from an established tank to seed that, would that be workable or is it a bad idea? LOL
i figure if i do it this way, i can put sand an rock in my tank for around 30 bucks


I'm sure the playground sand mixed with live sand from an established arquarium idea will work...
The lava rock i have no idea?


anybody know about the lava rock? i would like to know cuz that would be kinda cool. i have a few nice peices from my FW days that i never used. still sitting in bag that my gf's tank would really benifit from.


Active Member
If it leached heavy metals into the tank, you'd be in a world of pain.. well the tank would be anyway lol. best to just use portland cement and aragonite and make your own if you're trying to save money... but use real stuff to seed it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
from what i have read i heard it takes forever that way but i could be wrong?..
seeding manmade rock? yep.. sure does.. I can't wait 3 months for a tank to cycle and rock to become liverock. I'm always willing to pay more for established rock and sand.
what lights do you plan on running with this baby. I was thinking of doing a 20 long next year when my buddies and i move into a house at college, not much room in the dorm atm.


Mbos- i went to the "Co" today and saw some nice bagged black sand. it was that "live" sand thats like $40.00 per bag of 20#'s and it looked nice. i didnt think i would like back so much but it really didnt look to bad. nice choice


Active Member
hey guys, sorry i havent been around, my laptop is in the shop an jess's comp is a pain in butt to use, but ill be back on on my comp tomorrow night.
ok, i plan to start off with a fowlr tank, then switching over after about 6 months or so with reef, using the current usa nova extreme pro 30" fixture, 4x24w T5HO individually reflected lighting :p


That's sweet man! I ordered two of the Nova 30" 2X24 HO fixtures (It was cheaper than getting the 4x, no moonlights though). I can't wait to get them either.


Active Member
sweetness man, yeah, for starters im just gonna use a standard 30" light fixture, since it is gonna be a fowlr tank to start off with lol then go with the big light after a few months, and i needt o make a correction, its gonna be the 30" nova sundial 4x24w fixture, not nova extreme lol


Active Member
just a quick update folks, weve been tied up with a few things around here, havent really done anything to the tank, im not gonna start anything really until i get my hands on 2 ac110's, once i get them, ill be comfortable with starting things up lol but im just not wantin to start everything up with basic powerfilters, then swap it all out once i get my hands on the 110's, and im trying to hold off on the e to the bay deal for as long as possible


Active Member
we'll, i got an update for ya folks, i just bid on an ac110 on that famous auction site, if jess finds out, i know she's gonna kill me, but oh well LOL. so, with any kinda luck, i can actually win a bid LOL. scratch that, i just bid on 2 of em LOL