"The Tank Gang"


New Member
Okay, I just watched finding nemo for the 2nd time, first in theatres, and it got me the urge to finally get my fish tank up and running, if im not mistaken it's a 30 gal, and i want a Percula clown, a cleaner shrimp, a gramma thingy, the one that was scared of all the bacteria in the tank when they got it dirty, and Gill, which i don't know what kind of fish he is. Can they all fit...I do doubt it....you all will probably think im crazy....but im 14 and i don't know anything about fish. Hehe, im getting into it though. Plus i need advice on how to set everything up!


Active Member
i thought gill was a heniochous acuminatus? they look the same except for the yellow patch. I only saw it once. oh well. Welcome to SWF.com. Lots of people are here to help you out. If you ever have a question...not matter how simple it may be, just ask us and we will be glad to help you out. Several people lateley are setting up "finding nemo" tanks. This can be done properly with good research and the proper equipment.
good luck and welcome again!


Active Member
sorry rye...i only saw the movie on a train on the way to vancouver from seattle. i guess i wil pay attention next time :rolleyes: :p :D


Active Member
Gill is one of the hardest fish to keep. And definitely cannot fit in a 30 :) But the royal gramma and clown can. 2 clowns and a gramma can fit plus one more fish but before you do anything start reading the stuff in the beginners forum and buy a book....


New Member
Do any of you have pictures of tanks or something...because i would like to know the exact size of my tank, i got it a while back and 30 is a wild guess. I'm also curious how big the tank in the movie is...


I'm glad you are wanting to start out in the fish keeping world. I remember starting out my tank, and keeping everything slow is important. Since you haven't had any experience with fish, I will give you a run down of what you will need to start out.
For your tank you will need a: filter, heater, substrate, rock(for the fish to hide and feel safe in), marine salt, water, hydrometer, water test kit.
The water if you can buy it should be RO water, you can use tap water, but with my experience of smaller tanks, the tap tends to make everything harder to keep levals right.
A book will really help explain everything, and another thing, don't use an under gravel filter. Some older books suggest them still, they are a real pain to use and clean. I would suggest Marine aquariums for dummies, lots of great info for a beginner as yourself. Also do lots of research, and don't take all the info from you local fish store as always true. Come here and you will find the answer. Good luck and have fun.


Oh and Ryan, do you think that maybe you could trim that welcome banner down in width?


Active Member
hey welcome to the board every one here will help you all they can but deffenlty do alot of research. and if you do set up a tank deffently get a cleaner shrimp they have tons of personalty and are very fun to watch. but dont get your hopes up of them accually cleaning the fish i only saw one of my 2 clean one fish in the 6 months i have had them


Active Member
Moorish (Gil) is out of course. I also wouldn't put more than 2 clowns and the RG in the tank. Why tempt fate with another fish? These 3 will get along fabulously and live a long healthy life. WHen you count water displacement caused by substrate , and live rock, you will actually have about 21 gallons of water. These fish add up to about 10 inches of adult size giving you about 2 gallons of water for each inch of fish. SOme will say that this is too crowded but I think you w/b ok as long as you don't add anymore. GOOD LUCK..the best advice is read, read,read and when you post listen. Again good luck.


New Member
Haha i was right about my tank size! I'm so happy that i remembered. Oh and thanks for the measurement thing, I never would have thought of it (SUUUUUUUUUURE)


New Member
:D :) :D :)
I'm so excited, my parents are so happy that im finally getting into the fish thing, that we're planning on buying a 150 gal! This is going to be so cool! We went to a place called "Aquariums etc." and talked for a while, the guy tried to say that it never works if you put 2 clowns together, he said they always fight, he also mentioned that the only way that 2 clowns together would work would be straight from the ocean if they were mates...I just stood there and didn't argue because he felt smart. Everything he had for sale was double the price that i've seen online here too...He had a display tank with Dorey, 2 fish that had like 3 animals in one, it was cheetah...and some others...can't remember that well, he also had a Clown, it was a Maroon or something, it was really cool looking, there was also a purple basset, it had a black line on the top, it was really cool too. He said that it's a bad idea to have an Anenome and coral in the same tank because the Anenomes are territorial and they like to sting the coral and kill it, they are space hogs ... atleast that's what he said. I'm really excited about getting fish. He also said the process of setting up everything could take 3 months...but i've kept an open mind after all you said that i shouldn't believe everything that they say.


New Member
I just read my previous post, it has horrible grammar...all of the likes and something like. I sound so uneducated. I'm really not, i'm actually quite smart, but I was really excited and I hurried my typing. If you don't understand any of my babble then just tell me and I will let you know.


As for the more than 1 clown thing... 2 weeks ago I was at my LFS and the had a tank with about 20 black saddleback clowns in there. I fell in love with them, and on my 3rd trip to the LFS I brought 2 home. I was very careful to pick out a big one and a much smaller one. Since the first minute they went into the tank, they do not leave each others sides. No fighting, no nipping, no nothing! I am hoping in the future I will have SOMETHING though:D .
Just be careful if you get 2 to make sure there is a size diffrence between them.


Also wanted to add that clown DO NOT need an anemone or coral to survive. Some LFS will day they do.
If you do go with a coral, make sure you have adequate lighting.
And Maroon clowns are known to be one of the most aggressive of the clowns and you may have a problem with fighting even with a size diffrence.


Active Member
Take what the LFS' say and place it in the back portion of your head...somethings they say when properly sorted can make sense...then read here..a good book...and mix it all together...
Grammar..smammar..who cares...as long as we can read what you type and put it together somehow...that is what counts...message...not delivery method...
Do a ton of research...3 months could be a reality on the cycle...each cycle is unique and different from the others...
You are at a journey point in your life...marine biology is a respectable career...and starting with your tank, it is a great beginning...