the thermos blind trade


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
i dont know what the heck is going
I dont think any of us do either.......


Active Member
I would just like to see a shot (picture) of the thermos with more signatures on it. but hey thats just me.


Active Member
well I started the blind trade with it. I originally got it from another member of SWF who had used it in another trade and the names were on it already, so I signed it and set up the trade to keep it rolling between mambers. I think on page 2 you can make out the first name on the thermos. scotts is the first name on the thermos.


Active Member
i know mine and coraljunky's were added to it after reefkprz and maxalmons.....don't know what happened after that tho.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
its next to my sink, ready to go out to badboy when i get my frag...
can you take a picture of it? maybe? and possibly post it on this thread?


Active Member
have you heard from badboy? if you havent or dont in the next 48 hours (weekends people tend not to chack in as much) we bump on top the next in line. (which would entail me looking back in the thread and contacting people) PM me if you dont hear from him in the next 48 hours. And I'll go through the post and find out who wants in next.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BadBoyJ
sorry guys I was away for a few days

look at who decided to show up and play......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
look at who decided to show up and play......

wel wel then. I guess since we havent given away his slot yet he can still play.

badboy contact saltn00b and figure out the shipping arrangments.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
wel wel then. I guess since we havent given away his slot yet he can still play.

badboy contact saltn00b and figure out the shipping arrangments.

sorry again guy's just for that M.I.A. I'LL have to send something good !!!


Active Member
also since we are nearing the end of the line I guess we can all post pictures of what we got so we can all be jealous of each other (due to other people getting what we wanted
) just kidding I for one am happy as heck with what I got

I'll let someone else start the photo posting.


Active Member
i sent badboy my address and he sent me his. then he wanted to know when i was sending. i dont think he gets that i dont send the thermos until i get the frag from him. I told him that in a PM today. i would suggest that he does not send until Jan 2 if he has not sent it yet, to avoid holiday problems.
as for pics .. well , everything i have recieved and sent is dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
as for pics .. well , everything i have recieved and sent is dead.
NOOOOO that really bites.
how is everyone elses stuff holding up?