the thermos blind trade


Active Member
Originally Posted by Princess8077
Isn't it time to see pics yet??? I wanna see what everyone got - dead or alive you're coming with me!

robocop!!!!! awesome blast from the past


Active Member
J, do what you gotta do. overnight will cost you a lot of money...
im just tired of dead corals in this thread.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
J, do what you gotta do. overnight will cost you a lot of money...
im just tired of dead corals in this thread.
fine! I'm takin a half day on mon. and it will be sent out on that day. sorry did'nt think of work hours at the time .


I want some of this action when it gets warmer. Right now it is too cold for me to hop in as i don't have a whole lot and killing a frag to recive a dead frag is just really going to work for me lol. I am deffinately in on this in the spring though.


man i been waiting for like 6 months for some pics....what are you all doing...gosh!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
man i been waiting for like 6 months for some pics....what are you all doing...gosh!!!
aren't we all??


people are going to forget what they got by time the pics are up....shoot most people may not even be on the site any more or have a


Active Member
well, got the box at work, i will drop it in the tank this afternoon - crossing fingers everything is alive


Originally Posted by saltn00b
J looks like its alive but it hadnt opened yet. do you want me to send firday or monday?
that's good!........monday would be fine with me but I'll leave it to you!! please tell me when they open....


Active Member
well i got to the post office and nobody was there - damn holiday!
ill ship tomorrow.
your stuff never opened, it will totally disintegrate within a few days....


Originally Posted by saltn00b
well i got to the post office and nobody was there - damn holiday!
ill ship tomorrow.
your stuff never opened, it will totally disintegrate within a few days....
I wanted to send something nice so i when to mlfs and paid 30 bucks for that frag! a week ago and everthing was fine.........just my luck!


Active Member
well i shipped it out this morning.
just so you know because you are up north in PA, unless its summer time, you are likely going to need solid wall foam packing and heat packs. peanuts allow alot of heat transfer, so they probably froze / chilled to death before they left PA.


man we are at post 257 and still no pics of everyones stuff...this trade has been going on forever seems


Originally Posted by saltn00b
well i shipped it out this morning.
just so you know because you are up north in PA, unless its summer time, you are likely going to need solid wall foam packing and heat packs. peanuts allow alot of heat transfer, so they probably froze / chilled to death before they left PA.
NOT NORTH......... I live 2 mins from the airport near the city


Active Member
if you guys want some pics posted, i believe i sent reefkprz a frag of each of these in the first trade. (actually, there were 2 people who used the thermos before me, and i got it from one of them, then sent it to reefkprz and he set all this up.)
