the thermos blind trade


Active Member
any one that wants in is welcome just make sure you have an uncommon coloration or hard to get coral (oh yeah NO SPS they cant take more than 24 hours in a box.)


Okay - Scopas talked me into it. I am in. Just don't have Scopus and I back to back - we already swap from tank to tank! As far as I know it is SPRING finally here in Wyoming!


Active Member
thats 6 people (it 5 am here so i'll work on the details after work, I'm not up to thinking right now.
sign up is closed (For now)


Active Member
I actually am uploading a video of fragging acropora with a dremel at this very moment.
I am also quite sick and have to work tommorrow (have been for 2 days now) so once I get the vid loaded and posted I'm turning into a luimp on the mattress. I'm hoping to get the swap list posted by this friday. so everyone can swap information.


Active Member
OK first thanks ryno for giving me a boot in the rear to get this thing organized. since I have the thermos I will ship first, and recieve it last. here is the order of shipping
ReefkprZ to mckaxx
mckaxx to scopus tang
scopus tang to Ryno mn
Ryno mn to coral junky
coral junky to Dennis 210
dennis 210 to G Rabbit
G Rabbit to v martino
v martino to ReekprZ
NOW I want to change this one up a bit to save on confusion. I think we should do this chain style instead of swap. AKA I send a frag to mckaxx then she sends one to the next in line then the next in line sends onward through the list with no dual direction shipping basicly you get the thermos throw a frag in it and send it on its way. the person recieving the thermos doesnt ship another frag back to you, they just ship onward. I think doing this will expidiate the proccess a bit. Are there any objections to this Idea? doing it this way will make me the Last person to recieve a frag and the thermos so i can start another round. Ideas, suggestions or complaints will be heard and ignored... (just kidding, I am open to suggetions)


Active Member
remember folks this swap is for uncommon corals only. no discosomas, or capnella or other run of the mill stuff like that. green nepthids are ok sarcophyton elegans I suppose but avoid brown common (dare I say junk corals) its also a blind trade, but dont be afraid to share lighting parameters and conditions the corals were kept under to assist in preventing light shock death etcetera. obviously I have no way of enforcing the "blind" rule. but in my opinion thats what makes it fun. the not knowing. yes there is a chance you may wind up with something you already have but shippers be sneaky look for pictures of the persons tank your shipping to and try to avoid things they have.


Active Member
mckaxx has had to back out due to unforseen circumstances.
scopus drop me a PM with your shipping address.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
OK first thanks ryno for giving me a boot in the rear to get this thing organized. since I have the thermos I will ship first, and recieve it last. here is the order of shipping
ReefkprZ to mckaxx
mckaxx to scopus tang
scopus tang to Ryno mn
Ryno mn to coral junky
coral junky to Dennis 210
dennis 210 to G Rabbit
G Rabbit to v martino
v martino to ReekprZ
NOW I want to change this one up a bit to save on confusion. I think we should do this chain style instead of swap. AKA I send a frag to mckaxx then she sends one to the next in line then the next in line sends onward through the list with no dual direction shipping basicly you get the thermos throw a frag in it and send it on its way. the person recieving the thermos doesnt ship another frag back to you, they just ship onward. I think doing this will expidiate the proccess a bit. Are there any objections to this Idea? doing it this way will make me the Last person to recieve a frag and the thermos so i can start another round. Ideas, suggestions or complaints will be heard and ignored... (just kidding, I am open to suggetions)
JMO, but I like the idea of the double trade myself ~ think its kind of nice to ship corals back to the person who sent you some. If you still want to expidiate the process, just ship corals both ways upon receiving the thermos, then you're not slowing things down any. Again, just my opinion ~ others speak up one way or the other before we get this thing started.


Are we then sending to our after and to our before or just one way?
Ready willing and able!


What I meant was I was thinking I was to send on thermos with frag and then backto the person who sent me the thermos a frag also. I thought this was a twofor!

matt b

Active Member
Is it to late for me to get in on this? I have got alot of nice acroporas that you dont see everyday


Active Member
OK we will stick with the double trade, just so everyone ends up with two frags, seems everyone wants it that way so we will.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Is it to late for me to get in on this? I have got alot of nice acroporas that you dont see everyday
acroporas cant handle the USPS flat rate shipping. but we can add you in the next round or at the end of the list if there is still time in the season.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
i would like to take mckaxx spot if possible

same for you morval if you want we can add you at the end of the chain if there is still warm enough weather for USPS shipping. I just dont want it to end up like last time when people wound up with a bunch of dead frags.