The Times they are a Changin'


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by GobyInPeace
"Its not nice to fool with mother nature"
This makes me wonder "whats next?"

then why do we have aquariums to begin with? :D


then why do we have aquariums to begin with?
My comments were aimed at bioengineering. I would think most of us here are quite content with what nature offers us to keep in our aquariums.


Why do we keep cats, dogs, birds, snakes?
I can also tell you that if you believe that the cattle that we breed to eat and milk, are not genetically altered through the years then you are making a mistake.
The milking cows have been developed into milking "machines",
and the one we slaughter for meat (at least the ones that are more profitable) look like body builders. Excessive mass, no fat etc. I know, this is what I do for a living.
The same thing applies to chiken, lamb, fish, even vegetables....
In reality, you cannot feed billions of people on this planet without some fooling around with mother nature. Hey, we even alter the routes of rivers etc... Have we any clue whatsoever to the changes these actions may bring in tens or hundreds of years?
I just think that the ethical dilema here is should you fool around with mother nature just for fun.... Simply does the cause justify the means? For feeding the masses cheap food some may answer yes.
It is not an easy subject to debate.....


I just think that the ethical dilema here is should you fool around with mother nature just for fun.... Simply does the cause justify the means? For feeding the masses cheap food some may answer yes.
I think we are all quite aware of bioengineering's contribution to the food chain.
Some of this tinkering though should concern us. Who knows what type of disasters are lurking around the corner?
Again my comments were aimed at this particular experiment with its introduction to the general public and eventually the enviornment.

sinner's girl

they dye freshwater fish different colors,
I agree, that's wrong, way cool, but still wrong.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing in the universe which is not part of nature, man and all that man does included. We can not help fooling around with nature because we are part of and interact with nature. Therefore, labeling something as unnatural or fooling around with nature is meaningless


Active Member
Well I disagree... Man altered animals are not part of nature.
This issue has nothing to do with keeping pets or keeping aquariums.
I want to know why... Why make a glow in dark fish? Why dye freshwater fish? Why dye corals?
As with everything it's all about the potential money to be made. I love money, I wish I had more of it but money is not everything.


I think these fish are designed for one thing...Profit.
They won't get my money.


Active Member
I want to know this...if fish don't have eyelids, and need to be in the dark to "sleep," how is that going to happen when they are glowing like that? Their own light will stress them before long, and they will die. Am I missing something? For $17, I'd want something that might live for a little while.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
Well I disagree... Man altered animals are not part of nature.

so what are they part of the supernatural? :D


I want to know this...if fish don't have eyelids, and need to be in the dark to "sleep," how is that going to happen when they are glowing like that? Their own light will stress them before long, and they will die. Am I missing something? For $17, I'd want something that might live for a little while.
These particular fish will only glow under "black light".


I got nothin against stem cell research or even cloning, if it is regulated, because the two can be used for discovering cures to many diseases and improve peoples quality of life. This glowing fish thing is just kinda sick though...for what purpose, besides entertainment??? an artical for all those ethics profs....