The Ultimate Nano


Thanks reef dude, when i fisrt got that mushroom it was so small !!! over time it just grew now it huge time for so fraggn


hey bigpete could you give me a breakdown on how you stacked your lr so good man it looks like its all one big piece of lr it looks good also tell me how you put your corals on the lr and stuff thanks


New Member
20 gallon long
Specs: 150w 14k MH, 10g "trash can" fuge, and Mag7 CL
Fish: midas blenny, tomato clown, royal gramma. RIP four-line wrasse, diamond goby(both went carpet surfing)
Coral: mixed reef. simple SPS, montis, birds nest, and acros. various LPS, zoas, and softies.
oldie but a goodie

current FTS

red blastos

rare lithophyllon chalice

pink n' green chalice

green and white striped red micromussa


all green sacro


unknown acro, maybe milli? can someone help me ID?


im voting for big pete right now. untill bang guy and lady get theirs on here. theirs are sooo amazing!


Active Member
abstract: $10 10g with 20# of LS and 20+# LR, Zoos, assorted mushrooms, ricordea, and frogspawn. AC 150 running carbon 75% of the time, AC 20 + micro pump under rock work. 2 Ocellaris, 1 camel shrimp, 1 anemone shrimpt (aka sexy shrimp), and an urchin which hitch hiked it's way into my tank on some south-fiji rock work.....oh ya, and 1 bad picture of the tank.


Active Member
My wife asked me the same question yesterday. The're mated, and spend most of their time hosting in the frogspawn........if they lay eggs I couldn't tell with all the activity going on. If I had the room I would start a breeder tank, and move in that direction, however space is limited with the wife and soon to be family.


ok not sure if nanoreef is even lookin at this thing anymore but i say we start the actual thread back up.
1st i say everyone has till this friday at mid night to submit there pictures. anytime after that they can still post put arent able to be elected for the ultimate nano
2nd i say during that time everyone tells what there favorite 4 are.
then on sat well start a new poll that allows you to pick wich out of the four most voted for tanks. and will have pictures for the people that never saw THIS thread
and we could do this every month? this one being for june. and the top 2 for june will stay in for july and there will be a thread to submit pictures to try and get the next 2 spots in the poll for july?
any changes or additions to these rules? or am i just crazy?


Active Member
why are you making up the rules? and why are you voting for some people that didnt even post their tanks up? theres no point in this thread anymore cause no one is posting in here.


i said at the bottom if there r any changes or additions to the rules the thats fine. and i said at the end or am i just crazy basically meaning or is this just pointless and should i shut up....ill shut up...bad idea on my part. sorry


and my last post was a day after the last person before me. so your the late one here. if no one is posting anymore y r u posting?


mind telling me where you can buy that bright red blastos? Would love to buy one.


The ultimate nano goes to Nate! :) Hey man, I got a new fox coral and a short tentacle plate coral, wait until I get some new pictures up for ya!