The un-keepable fish....


Ok so lets here what fish cannot be kept in a tank, this is what I've heard.
Moorish Idol
Achillies Tang
What fish do you think cannot be kept in a tank and what fish do you think should not be kept in a tank.


New Member
It may be hard to keep those 2 species, but not impossible...
Um... There has been no Great White Shark successfully kept in captivity. *hehe*


Active Member
Some fish that should definitely not be kept in tanks are damsels, clown fish and wrasses. Terrible fish, really picky, dont eat, die really easy. All the oens I had died within a week. I swear, they just dont want to live. NEVER get these fish, its a DEATH WARRANT!!!

mr. tuna

Active Member
Are you kidding me?
If they all just died like that you must not know what you are doing. Your tank cycled? What did you feed them? If
i were to tell some one the hardiest fish to get, those fish you
named would be the first on my list.
Yes, you CAN get clowns, damsels..ect.


A local fish store here has a Barracuda that just hovers in the same spot all day. He is the only fish in his tank (obviously), and it's a reef tank. Now, the cuda is only about 6 inches long and cool as hell to look at, but the lfs owner says he's going to return it to the ocean on his next trip to Fla. But THAT'S definately a fish you can't own!!!


My list of "impossible to keep" fish is......
-some of the butterflies that are obligate corallivores
-ribbon eel
-dwarf lion (unless you're willing to provide live food)
-some of angels (i.e rock beauty, regal...etc)
-mandarin goby
-many of filefish (they simply wouldn't feed at all!)
I know some people have successfully kept these fish, but the majority of people do not have that kind of luck....(including myself)



riginally posted by pufferman [/i]
My list of "impossible to keep" fish is......
-ribbon eel

I have had two ribbon eels ( well one died due to carpet surfing) for about two years without any probloms exept when you change the water they will often go off feed for a while other than that I pay no attention to them and they do great.... these are white ribbons. I think they are one of the most easy fish I have ever had.


clowns and damsels???????????????? damsels are the easist fish to care for lol....i agree with the post that you can't even kill them ....i started with 5 (i know, told by storebefore i found this site) no one would take them from me no store ,no one i know ..they are in with my 2 volitans and still live never been eatten ,bothered..the damsels eat flake,dry seaweed,krill,frozen i would have to disagree with the damsels which i think most othes will too


Active Member
Cleaner Wrasse - Their diet is too specific to keep them healthy in all but the largest of home reef tanks.


page 148...Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies...
The cleaner wrasse shown in fig 10-18 is a popular fish in the marine aquarium and well suited for the beginner. It not only provides a useful service for the tank but also feeds in a natural manner. More than one cleaner can be kept in the same tank, as well.
Then it goes on to say...
Every tank needs a cleaner wrasse!!!
CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?? Now even the BOOKS need moderators!!!:mad: :mad:


People who write crap like that should be shot. Hehe The Consciencious Marine Aquarist even has a I think 2 page side note on why you should not keep them.


Cleaner wrasse, ribbon eels, regal angels, certain butterflies....a great white shark has been kept far - the aquarium in Monterrey, CA has one. I believe they've had it since 2003 and still have it. I do want to make the drive up (8 hours from where I'm at) just to see that...
EDIT: Okay, the Monterey Bay Aquarium somewhat has kept a white shark successfully - but it was never on display. For some reason, I thought it was. They held a 5-foot long juvenile great white in a five million gallon holding pen in the ocean for a week, and at the end of the week, recorded the first confirmed feeding of a great white in captivity. The shark ate. Now they are testing longer periods of shark captivity and transport simulations to the aquarium for future possible display.


New Member
Hehe. Yeah. I know all about it.. That's why I mentioned it. (I'm at that aquarium almost every week) It was held in a pen, but not in an aquarium. Maybe soon, but not yet. Others have tried to before, but the sharks starved... They wouldn't feed in captivity. That's why getting it to feed in the pen was such a giant leap foward. :)


How is that aquarium? I'd love to head up there, haven't been to it. The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach isn't bad - I'm assuming that the Monterey Bay is a lot better.


Active Member
Actually, guys, those fish that I described are just the worst. I have never had such terrible luck with fish. I have kept a barracuda, a ribbon eel, butterflies and even moorish idols in a tank at one time, a 55 gallon, and they never died. I still have them. The barracuda is half the size of the tank, and the other fish are plump and juicy. I also keep a Great White Shark in my pool in the back yard. His name is timmy and he eats reeses peanut butter cups.