The un-keepable fish....


Active Member
thats allright. I wanted to see reactions anyway. Just chill. I keep good care of my fishies:happyfish . Have a nice day though.

chris a h


Originally posted by mary
Can someone answer me as to why fish such as batfish would even be availlable to the hobbiest? I can undserstand perhaps maybe a huge public aquarium, where it would have hundreds of gallons to live in but a home aquarium? Maybe some folks are wealthy enough and educated enough to have 5-6 hundred gal. tank, and keep such fish. Otherwise, why? Watch them slowly die?

The one I had came with my 75 gallon when I bought it. He had been in there about two or three years and was very healthy. I realized that he was way too big for the tank and found him a very good home with a guy who keeps a 300 gallon plus tank. Trust me, he's VERRRY happy in that three hundred right now.
My 14 year old daughter still misses hand feeding him, so we're going to try to get a pair of clowns to hand feed. Clowns are just so much more suited to my 75.


chris a h

FWIW you doo seem to have a darn good grasp on fish husbandry, Chandler.
No offense taken at your humor, either



Active Member

Originally posted by Chandler04
His name is timmy and he eats reeses peanut butter cups.

i guess they missed this part too.


Active Member
moorish idols are the impossibles. i have seen them, but not long term
highly difficult would be
and any seahorses


Active Member
Wat is crazy is that I saw my lfs with a moorish idol, and they kept it alive for months in a tank that was covered in cyano, with other not so nice inhabitants, yet they actually sold it too. Now that was either one strong fish, or one lucky lfs. I also thought that the shark mightve given away my story as well..... LOL:D



Originally posted by pufferman
My list of "impossible to keep" fish is......
-some of the butterflies that are obligate corallivores
-ribbon eel
-dwarf lion (unless you're willing to provide live food)
-some of angels (i.e rock beauty, regal...etc)
-mandarin goby
-many of filefish (they simply wouldn't feed at all!)
I know some people have successfully kept these fish, but the majority of people do not have that kind of luck....(including myself)

um.. u can definately keep a dwarf lion. u just have to get it on frozen foods a little at a time


Active Member
Well, I guess you must define the size of the tank and hobbyist vs aquarium :) But one that is, IMO, off the books basically everywhere are sweetlips unless you get an atypical individual.