The un-keepable fish....


New Member
How is that aquarium?
It is amazing! :) I can never get enough. They have an awesome temporary shark exhibit right now. Everything they do it completely over the top and wonderful. :) My fav's are probably the Southern Sea Otters, Leafy Sea Dragons, and "The Outer Bay". Awesome stuff.
A couple of my friends volunteer there. They clean the windows (on the water side.. Scuba) and do feeding shows. As soon as I get my Rescue Certification, I'll be diving with all sorts of stuff in the aquarium!!!!


I have had two ribbon eels ( well one died due to carpet surfing) for about two years without any probloms exept when you change the water they will often go off feed for a while other than that I pay no attention to them and they do great.... these are white ribbons. I think they are one of the most easy fish I have ever had.

There are many eels called" ribbon eels". I know some of ribbon eels (i.e white ribbon, longtail) like yours tend to be easier to take care for in terms of feeding...etc. When I said "ribbon eels", I was referring to Rhinomuraena quaesita (commonly known as blue/black ribbon eel). Just trying to clarify my point....BTW, I really like your eel. How big is it?


I see your poin. I have not had a blue ribbon, I was going to get one and went to the LFS to pick it up and it had escaped the tank the night befor. Since then I just have not had any interest in one. My freind has had one for about 1 year now and feeds it guppies(the only thing it will eat) it is about 3-4 feet and very cool.
My white is about 2 feet or more.


New Member
What about Parrot Fish? Has anyone heard of someone successfully keeping one? I've seen them in professional aquariums, but I've never heard of one in someone's home aquarium.


I've seen a few smaller parrotfish in aquariums, but no adults (they get huge!). I got the crap scared out of my while snorkeling in Maui awhile ago by a several-foot-long parrotfish (I was holding my breath, about 15 feet under) - I was looking under some rock overhangs for a turtle, and I turned around 180 degrees and there was this above-mentioned large parrotfish staring me in the face at a range of about a foot. Quite intimidating, when all I saw all day was a few turtles and tangs/butterflys.


Chandler, I've a pair of Clown fish , for years,. They have adopted, sleep in and stay most of the day near, a soft coral{tree coral}, it is huge, and they have been extremely disease free. They are African wild caught, easy to keep. I have chromis, six-line wrasse, aggressive but also very hardy, bi-color blenny, mandarin, many shrimp, snails . I think it depends on where the fish came from, how it was caught, and condition and water quality. I have only a skimmer and four pumps. Wrasses must be easy to keep 'cause my neighbor has a beautiful one in a fifty five gal. and it is very healthy. Has done well for a couple of years now. It does depend on what you put together. Must read other forums and find out what gets along with what.



Originally posted by SkubaChick
What about Parrot Fish? Has anyone heard of someone successfully keeping one? I've seen them in professional aquariums, but I've never heard of one in someone's home aquarium.

A LFS has recently started carrying a "hybrid parot" i don't know much about it, but he says he can get it to eat some meaty treats, but it does still scrape the rocks... the other part that scares me is that they inject it with steriods and hormones to get it to prematurly turn colors

bang guy


Originally posted by Tizzo
but the lfs owner says he's going to return it to the ocean on his next trip to Fla.

I really hope & pray that he doesn't let it loose in the ocean.

chris a h


Originally posted by Shels
Did anyone mention the Bat Fish?

:notsure: Orbiculate Batfish are faily easy to keep if you have a large aquarium.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I really hope & pray that he doesn't let it loose in the ocean.

He said that he caught it in the gulf. He made jokes about letting it go, trying to do a "good deed" and then watching another fish swallow it up as soon as it's free. But the last time I went to the store, he said that he took him back to the gulf where they dive. At least I'm pretty sure it was the gulf... there, or the keys. Why..., isn't that OK??

bang guy

Hell No!
Once you put a fish in a tropical reef tank you have placed it in an environment containing pathogens & other organisms from all over the world all mixed together in the same tank. Releasing these organisms into local waters could cause tremendous damage to local fauna.
He should have known better, that was incredibly irresponsible. These are the types of mistakes that could ruin the hobby or at least give it a big black eye.


Can someone answer me as to why fish such as batfish would even be availlable to the hobbiest? I can undserstand perhaps maybe a huge public aquarium, where it would have hundreds of gallons to live in but a home aquarium? Maybe some folks are wealthy enough and educated enough to have 5-6 hundred gal. tank, and keep such fish. Otherwise, why? Watch them slowly die?


Chandler, Do you enjoy watching a fish barely have enough room to move around? Have you watched the activity and behavior of the fish you have in your itty bitty tank, on any documentary's where they are living and thriving ? How can you with a clear conscience treat fish as you do? They need room to move! Ever watch elephants in poorly run zoos rock back and forth out of sheer bordom all their sad lives? They appear to be surviving, but why not give a living thing the very best or not have it at all? Survival doesn't necessarily mean quality of life.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Hell No!
He should have known better, that was incredibly irresponsible. These are the types of mistakes that could ruin the hobby or at least give it a big black eye.

Wow, I had no idea... I guess there are a LOT more things to consider than I had realized. Wow...again, I'm kinda worried now, and sad and disappointed. This kinda sucks!!! THIS is definately a damper on my day. Now, I too will pray that it's not a damper for the Marine Biologists down there!!
Did I


Active Member
I cannot believe the amount of people that believed my blasphomy. Barracudas need like a 500 gallon circuit tank to swim around all day. Moorish idols need to be in with other peaceful inhabitants, in a large tank as well. Great White sharks do not live in my pool in my backyard, a ribbon eel would get chomped by the barracuda and same with the butterfly. it was a JOKE>


Chandler, I am so sorry! Obviously I jumped top conclusions without following the context. Please forgive me? We all do know people who do treat living things with disrespect. You know, I didn't think it sounded like you, from past forums. After sending the letter, I was plagued with doubt in that I'd remembered past posts you have sent. Wish I had more time on these forums.