The (un)Official "Rate My Tank" Thread!


Active Member
Henry, I give you a 10.
That's because Flower gave me a 9
and yours blows mine away. BTLDReef, same goes for your first tank.


Some day when my tank is a little more full I hope I will be brave to put my tank under the microscope so to speak. so I tip my hat to anyone who is willing to show there aquarium and have others rate it!

gill again68

Active Member
Ok I am in. As far as what I think about the last tank. I think it was nice but the lighting looked somewhat spot like. I give it a 8. This is a 90 mixed reef . 2 Clowns, 1 Sailfin, 1 Watchman Goby, 1 Mandarin, 1 Coral Beauty, 1 Fireshrimp, 1 Coral Banded, 1 Sand Sifting Star, 1 Darasa Clam, Snails. DIY 40g breeder sump, 3 K pumps, New Turf Scrubber installed.


Active Member
^ Awesome selection of fish. How aggressive is the Sohal?
Here is my 55gal (it's going through a rough patch lately).



Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread/20#post_3340664
^ Awesome selection of fish. How aggressive is the Sohal?
Here is my 55gal (it's going through a rough patch lately).
You have a very nice tank as well.....As for my Sohal, I've had him about 2.5 years, when I got him he was 3 inches of nastiness, he came in skinny, beat up from the trip from the Red Sea and very angry. He put the much larger Lime Green Wrasse in his place the first day and used to fight with his reflection for hours on end. He is now 8 inches and VERY mellow, everybody knows to give him space and that he is the Alpha, but he rarely chases anybody anymore.....Great fish.