the world ending


Active Member
NO ONE knows when the world is going to end..
Clearly states it in the Bible....
That's so stupid..
'Oh no! the world is going to end in 2000!' -- 'Oh, we're still alive.. uh.. well.. pick another date?'
'June 6, 2006!' -- 'Still alive! Blasts! -- Let's make it december 12, 2012!'
Just because people have nothing better to do than sit around trying to predict a date that the world is going to end, which it never has.. doesn't mean it will, .. ever..

Although, with everything going on.. I don't see how it could last too much longer...


Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Do you guys have to ruin every thread with politics. I think we need an The Aquarium and The Aquarium for politics.
The world will not end in 2012. At least I hope not.......


I'm looking forward to 2013 just to tell my older brother he's an idiot. He totally believes all that 2012 crap.



Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I suppose you are refering to the Mayan Calendar which ends December 21, 2012?
It means nothing to me.
Weren't the Mayans wiped off the face of the earth by Spanish conquistadors? Or was that the Incas? Both?
I, for one, am not doing anything they did, lest I fall prey to the Spaniards.


Originally Posted by reefreak29
the world willl end when God decides it to end

Agreed! 100%, it's not up to people from the past to decide OR predict when the world ends.
Perhaps the people died before making the mayan calender to 40000000. Who knows, only God does. Whatever and whenever it may the people and things around you.. who knows it might be tomorrow! lol


New Member
Weren't there some people getting ready for the end of the world a few years ago because they said that was when Nastradomus said it would end? I personally put about as much stock in this 2012 theory as I did that one.


Active Member
Question is... If you knew the day you would die, how would you live your life for the rest your time?
The true evidence of if you believe in the 2012 theory is have you changed your way of life based on you expecting to die 12.12.12 ?


Originally Posted by Rylan1
Question is... If you knew the day you would die, how would you live your life for the rest your time?
The true evidence of if you believe in the 2012 theory is have you changed your way of life based on you expecting to die 12.12.12 ?
dude no offense but i dont think anybodys gonna listen to wat u say about politics considering u have a picture of obama as ur av avatar


Active Member
Originally Posted by guzman825
how do u all think the world will end?? i know it ends in 2012 becuz everything stops at that date. the calenders, the charts, everything. so how do u think it will end?
wow - seriously?
everything? did you get a spam chain letter or something?
the only thing that ends in 2012 are Aztec Calendars.
that is something circular, carved into stone many hundreds of years ago.
here is an example:

as you might imagine, being a stone circle, there is not enough room for infinity, as the slab of rock is quite finite, no matter how big you draw it.
they only calculated it out this far, and most likely figured they would create new ones when the time comes, unfortunately, the end of their civilization happened before they got around to making iAztec Calendar 3g.
so as you can see, your statement is about as asinine as picking up a printed calendar from your local mall calendar shop , observing that they only printed a glimpse into 2010 and then declaring that the world will end 1/1/11 because it does not exist on the calendar! if the Aztec's were so brilliant and able to see the future, why did they not see them getting conquered by the spanish?
personally, i think the closest thing to an extinction level event that faces the human race is Apophis.
but that doesnt even seem so bad now, so maybe its Iran / China / or the destructions of our own planet...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I'm looking forward to 2013 just to tell my older brother he's an idiot. He totally believes all that 2012 crap.

issue is the mayan calendar has predicted a LOT of stuff, and all of a sudden it just stops


Active Member
the world ends whenever you want it to. the apocalypse doesnt have to be fire and brimstone. it can be on a personal level. if you believe that you are the center of your own universe, and you want to see the universe destroyed, it only takes one bullet. now, im not saying kill yourself, or anything like that, but i just think its stupid to worry about satan blowing the world up or god flooding everyhting or whatever it is. you just have to life life the best you possibly can by your own standards. if the world really is going to end, theres nothing we can do about it, so whats the point in worrying about it?