The Worst Story Ever!!!!!!


So today I stop by my LFS to buy some food for my fishies and the owner is standing outside - he proceeds to tell me the store is closed for VANDALISM!! Some horrible person broke into the store and killed everything!! They smashed their beautiful display cases and killed all their livestock. He said he couldn't even open to the doors to clean up the smell was so bad. And, he tells me that they will repoen but it may be a few months! This poor guy just lost everything!!!! Whoever would do something like that has to be the biggest scumbag in the world - I can only hope they get what is coming to them!


Active Member
The owner should round up all of his employees and ask if anyone seemed crazy, mad or unhappy in the last few weeks. I wouldn't think that this is a random thing. My 2 cents.


I feel bad for the guy and for the livestock. Hopefully they catch the dirtbag. Somebody did something similar in Tampa, they went in and put a tablet of something (I think it was chlorine) into the marine tanks and it killed the entire saltwater section. To my knowledge they never caught the person(s) responsible.


This just breaks my heart.

I hope the karma train comes around and picks this person up.
So sad....


thats really bad. why kill innocent animals ? i hope whoever did this gets caught and dealt with !!

ric maniac

Active Member
I wouldn't mess with the person who did it if I were him, if they will kill innocent animals in a freaking pet store they probably don't care about human lives either. ( unless its hunting, but thats completely different.)


man i feel bad for the owner. i hope they reopen soon and catch this guy and make him pay ALL of this damage he has done


Active Member
That pisses me off to no end. It is the same people that are PETA freaks. They will sooner kill humans and "free" the animals.
Who ever did this should be placed in a midevil torchure device and placed over my skimmer when it is full of beautiful smelly goop.


Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
The owner should round up all of his employees and ask if anyone seemed crazy, mad or unhappy in the last few weeks. I wouldn't think that this is a random thing. My 2 cents.

I don't know metweezer....this could just as well be a bunch of teenagers on a whim. Maybe now the lfs will think about installing a security system including cameras.



Originally Posted by njdiver1
So today I stop by my LFS to buy some food for my fishies and the owner is standing outside - he proceeds to tell me the store is closed for VANDALISM!! Some horrible person broke into the store and killed everything!! They smashed their beautiful display cases and killed all their livestock. He said he couldn't even open to the doors to clean up the smell was so bad. And, he tells me that they will repoen but it may be a few months! This poor guy just lost everything!!!! Whoever would do something like that has to be the biggest scumbag in the world
- I can only hope they get what is coming to them!
Oh my god...that's horrible....poor man, poor fish!

matt b

Active Member

This cant be random, People off the street dont know what this stuff is worth. And if they did not take anything then its def not random


Active Member
maybe this was karma coming back to the store keeper. you dont know the whole story, just the end result. although the choice of revenge is crappy in it's own right, the animals are innocent bystanders.
For the love of god please don't tell me it was a certain place in Ocean!
Not only do I know the owner but thats where I get all my good stuff that I can't get here! I hope thats not it because that place is the gold standard of local LFS!