There are no stupid questions right?


ok here I go. Setting up a 90g I am leaning towards reef right now. In the past I have always taped the stupid blue background to my tanks. Do you guys recommend painting the back of the tank? Blue or Black? Is there a type of paint to stay away from?
Thank you in advance for any help. Sorry for the stupid question :)


Active Member
Most folks will do either black or blue, depending on your likes. The paint of choice seems to be Kryonl Fusion.


A lot of it is personal taste, but from experience, I'd say go black.
My 155 came with a blue background and I HATE it. Since many people go with 14K or higher bulbs for their aquarium or the bluer spectrum T5 bulbs, having a blue background on the tank can really drown the tank in blue. It will not allow the colors of your corals or fish to pop as much as if you have black. If you're unsure, buy blue felt and black felt and tape them to the back of the tank, you'll see a difference. All of my other tanks except the 155 have a black background and they look soooo much nicer.


In my opinion blue looks hokey to me. Blue reminds me of a kiddie pool. Go black, you'll be much happier.


Well-Known Member

Is this a new tank not set up yet???? Don't limit yourself with just a few choices......
FOAM and ROCK WALL! You can make lots of ledges for corals and when coraline developes, it will look awesome. Just giving you something to think about......


Active Member
Actually that is a film you can purchase to put on the back of the tank, like window tint only for aquariums.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Al I have seen the dark to lighter color painted on the back of tanks and even with a lot of rock in the tank it still gives the illusion of depth


Thank you for all your input. It is a new tank I am redoing my office and decided to upgrade my 55g fish only to a 90g. After reading on these forums for awhile I think I have been bitten by the reef bug so I am leaning to having a friend adopt my Tesselatta eel and stars and stripes puffer and giving reef a careful try.
Where could you find these films for sale?
What is this Foam and Rock wall you speak of?? It sounds interesting. Are there any pictures I could see examples?
Again Thank you all for the advice


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/384557/there-are-no-stupid-questions-right#post_3369083
Thank you for all your input. It is a new tank I am redoing my office and decided to upgrade my 55g fish only to a 90g. After reading on these forums for awhile I think I have been bitten by the reef bug so I am leaning to having a friend adopt my Tesselatta eel and stars and stripes puffer and giving reef a careful try.
Where could you find these films for sale?
What is this Foam and Rock wall you speak of?? It sounds interesting. Are there any pictures I could see examples?
Again Thank you all for the advice
Search this site for "foamback wall 101" Here is a picture of my little 30g seahorse tank, nothing like what could be done on a 90g. If I ever redo my 90g I will do a wall on it as well. I love the effect and because it's rock it adds to the natural filtration...It was super easy, I used the black pond foam, dry rock and dry sand.


Active Member
I also think blue is not the way to go..IMO black gives it more of that "ocean" look. The blue looks more like its an open ocean but you dont see a reef in to open ocean.
But like what the above peeps said, its your choice.