There has to be a special place in HELL for these people


Active Member
Usually I will look at your links and say something along the lines of, "Thanks for sharing." This time, T, I am not going to do that.


This kind of sick garbage lies at the feet of our government in which I have little faith that TRUE justice will ever be served.
I am the mother of 3 beautiful young girls (10, 12, 16). We homeschool because my oldest is terminally ill with a genetic heart condition and gammaglobulin deficiency. I would have liked to say we have been VERY careful in the way we let our girls use the internet but saying that would be a lie. There is NO safety on the internet WHATSOEVER!
We met a family at the RMH in Rochester MN while staying for 2 months while our oldest was getting treatments for her illness. The family consisted of a mother with her 2 wheechair bound sons (then 15 and 18)1 she claimed was paralyzed from chest down except from elbow to fingers which he had use of. We stayed in the very next room from them for almost 2 months and became fast friends them. When we left the mother encouraged us to "keep in touch" by means of Facebook in which I was a bit skeptical but decided since we "knew" them it was ok.
We kept in touch now for the last almost 2 years and our children frequently would chat with the mother and her 2 sons.
About a month ago I noticed my 2 younger girls schoolwork had taken a nosedive and they got VERY secretive and sullen. My 12 year old is autistic and began becoming VERY violent and out of control. After about a week of this I happened to "catch" a conversation between my 10 year old and this 20 year old and I couldnt believe my eyes! He was talking about #@% with her!!! I quickly seized her computer and questioned all 3 girls. It turns out Trent was talking this way to both the younger girls! I called the police and they came out, and hummed and hawwed and dragged their feet just because this guy didnt use "direct" words, and he lives in another state! I demanded they take all of the computers the girls used and search them for more evidence. It took them over a week to tell me that the US Attorneys office COULDNT prosecute him FEDERALLY because his language was "too vague" (asking them if they "mas#$###$$$" in the shower is vague???) and he didnt "directly" entice them across the state line for those purposes! Then to top it off the local police cannot prosecute him either being from another state and when they returned our computers (2 weeks later) the seals had not even been broken on them so they NEVER EVEN LOOKED for any more evidence!!!!
Needless to say my 12 year old is currently in "inpatient treatment" for the emotional damage its done to her and my 10 year old cant sleep at night.
I am however in touch with the local authorities in HIS county and they are actively trying to get a search warrant and prosecute him.
What really sickens me is that his mother has evidently been allowing him to have a "relationship" (FULL) saying that "yeah, shes young but they are such a cute couple and its not easy for him to get someone so devoted to him because of his handicap" and KNEW how he was talking to my children and said that if they didnt like it they should just turn off their computer-he has a right to his feelings and free speech".
I am just so disappointed in our justice system. I blame the justice system on horrible events such as these.
Sorry for the rant but I just had to share this private h$!! I am going through right now.


Active Member
I can't even say anything....just speechless. And FURIOUS!!!! Who would LET someone do this to their baby...their child. Who would DO this to their child?!


Active Member
Its beyond my thoughts how anyone could do this to a child - especially an infant.
This isnt the first, there was another baby- she passed away from her assult. Her name was baby brianna. Her father, mother and uncle abused her to death.
It saddens me so, to think of the suffering these kids went though in thier short lives.


Active Member
He doesn't deserve to live...nor do I believe he should even be entitled to a fair trial.
He just needs to be taken out, somewhere, tortured and shot in the face.


Active Member
People like that need to endure horrible, slow and painful torment. No child should EVER be abused like this or any other way! They're so pure and innocent. Why corrupt something so beautiful? This makes me cry. Babies are pure and unadulterated. The way that God intended them.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Its beyond my thoughts how anyone could do this to a child - especially an infant.
This isnt the first, there was another baby- she passed away from her assult. Her name was baby brianna. Her father, mother and uncle abused her to death.
It saddens me so, to think of the suffering these kids went though in thier short lives.
I was just telling my husband about that other story, I have to hope that this other child will be ok, but I am trying so hard to NOT IMAGINE the damage done to her tiny body


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
People like that need to endure horrible, slow and painful torment. No child should EVER be abused like this or any other way! They're so pure and innocent. Why corrupt something so beautiful? This makes me cry. Babies are pure and unadulterated. The way that God intended them.
Horrible , slow,,,,,
As soon as the Judge says Guilty I want to shoot them in the face.
Dead...dead...dead...what does stringing it out help?


Excuse me SWF for my next statement....BUT I think he should be taken out to a field...and have something 50 times his size shoved up his a s s slowly...and over and over again.....and then again


Active Member
I copied this from the Az Republic. It's from July 2002. Yes by impaled it means through THAT orifice:
Suspected child molester is found beaten in Mexico ^ | July 03, 2002 | Patricia Biggs
A man who is accused of molesting children and fled Chandler three years ago was found beaten into a coma and impaled on cactus in Mexico.
Mark Adam Younglove, 35, disappeared July 4, 1999, after neighbors confronted him with allegations of molesting their children. On Sept. 23, 1999, a Maricopa County grand jury indicted Younglove on 11 counts of --- crimes with children, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.