Active Member
This is not necessarily a war thread, but more a philosophy issue, (hopefully it goes that way). I think that there is something that the war supporters are missing, or at least an inherent difference in philosophy and belief. Here are my thoughts...
First off, I do believe in god, but I don't believe in inherent goodness or evil. I don't believe in heaven and hell. I also don't believe that god is overly concerned with judging us. I mean realistically, millions of people have been killed by natural disasters. The bible tells the stories of Noah and Job, showing the ease by which people are wiped out by the higher power. I believe that death, in the eyes of god, is nothing more than a function of the natural cycle... creation, life, death, rebirth.
This being said, I do realize why people want there to be a good and evil. We take comfort in the knowledge that we are good an righteous. Many people believe that because "I" am on the good side, I will be rewarded by an afterlife in heaven. This must be a comforting thought.
However, the strange thing to me is that our enemies also believe that they are on the side of good and fighting evil. This seems so warped to us... that the 9/11 terrorists thought that they are good and we are the evil. How is it possible that they don't know that they are on the side of evil?
The answer is very simple but most won't accept it. There is no difference between us and them. We kill their people, they kill ours. Good and evil are just a matter of perspective. We are willing to die for our cause and they are willing to die for their cause. Nobody will give their life to commit evil, but many will do so thinking that they are on the side of good. People, as a whole, are inherently violent and barbaric... regardless of which side you are on. People are a group that are responsible for terrorism, the Holocaust, slavery, the salem witch trials, the Spanish Inquisition, etc. We need to take responsibility for our atrocities.
We have created laws, not because they are good, but because they are necessary for the perpetuation of society. Many follow the law because we value our own freedom and also because we know that violence without limitation will cause anarchy, which would be the downfall of our society.
I don't know if anyone shares this perpective with me. I can see difficulty because it requires a rejection of basic, religious and strongly engrained beliefs. However, if people were to agree, then there would be a potential end to this world full of violence. How do we stop wars? The answer is simple. We must refuse to continue our natural instinct towards violence. We must refuse to be the aggressor in any situation. I have no problem with self defense because I do value self perpetuation, however, there is no need for any act of violence that is not intended to thwart an IMMEDIATE threat. The Martin Luther King, Jr. approach can lead to a peaceful world. However IMO it is impossible to achieve peace through force.
For those who disagree, please just answer one thing for me... why do you think that the terrorists hate us? Is it as simple as we are the good guys and they are the bad? Do we have any understanding of the war that we are fighting? (OK, that was 3 questions).
Sorry for the rant... actually I'm not. Anybody want to talk some philosophy?
First off, I do believe in god, but I don't believe in inherent goodness or evil. I don't believe in heaven and hell. I also don't believe that god is overly concerned with judging us. I mean realistically, millions of people have been killed by natural disasters. The bible tells the stories of Noah and Job, showing the ease by which people are wiped out by the higher power. I believe that death, in the eyes of god, is nothing more than a function of the natural cycle... creation, life, death, rebirth.
This being said, I do realize why people want there to be a good and evil. We take comfort in the knowledge that we are good an righteous. Many people believe that because "I" am on the good side, I will be rewarded by an afterlife in heaven. This must be a comforting thought.
However, the strange thing to me is that our enemies also believe that they are on the side of good and fighting evil. This seems so warped to us... that the 9/11 terrorists thought that they are good and we are the evil. How is it possible that they don't know that they are on the side of evil?
The answer is very simple but most won't accept it. There is no difference between us and them. We kill their people, they kill ours. Good and evil are just a matter of perspective. We are willing to die for our cause and they are willing to die for their cause. Nobody will give their life to commit evil, but many will do so thinking that they are on the side of good. People, as a whole, are inherently violent and barbaric... regardless of which side you are on. People are a group that are responsible for terrorism, the Holocaust, slavery, the salem witch trials, the Spanish Inquisition, etc. We need to take responsibility for our atrocities.
We have created laws, not because they are good, but because they are necessary for the perpetuation of society. Many follow the law because we value our own freedom and also because we know that violence without limitation will cause anarchy, which would be the downfall of our society.
I don't know if anyone shares this perpective with me. I can see difficulty because it requires a rejection of basic, religious and strongly engrained beliefs. However, if people were to agree, then there would be a potential end to this world full of violence. How do we stop wars? The answer is simple. We must refuse to continue our natural instinct towards violence. We must refuse to be the aggressor in any situation. I have no problem with self defense because I do value self perpetuation, however, there is no need for any act of violence that is not intended to thwart an IMMEDIATE threat. The Martin Luther King, Jr. approach can lead to a peaceful world. However IMO it is impossible to achieve peace through force.
For those who disagree, please just answer one thing for me... why do you think that the terrorists hate us? Is it as simple as we are the good guys and they are the bad? Do we have any understanding of the war that we are fighting? (OK, that was 3 questions).
Sorry for the rant... actually I'm not. Anybody want to talk some philosophy?