There's a mouse in our apartment!


Active Member
I'll let you borrow my daughter's Ball Python. It hasn't eaten in a couple of weeks, and mice are it's favorite meal.


Active Member
These come in handy for mouse catching. They are easy to use too. Just place in center of living room, leave for a week then get moving company that you are not too fond of to pack all your things and move to your new place of residence.

nano reefer

Active Member
i was visiting a friends house in college. It was his Frat house, but i awasnt a member. We were watching this football game and a mouse starts runing round the kitchen floor. My firend mike is trying to hit it with a broom, and my this guy that was a frt member (donovan i think) pulls out this revolver, and shoots the mouse from a good 15 feet. one shot, one kill. i crapped my pants when i saw the gun. i actually heard it before i saw it.


Active Member
mix poison and peanut butter together smear it to the center of the inside of a shoe box cut tiny hole in the side of it duck tape the lid onto it and push it behind the stove make sure your pet cant get back there though... they are right if there is one there are many more
i would just go with the snappig one. its really instant. there was a mouse that actually got decapitated by one in my basement. also, is that hunting liscense thing in california real? thats rediculous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
i was visiting a friends house in college. It was his Frat house, but i awasnt a member. We were watching this football game and a mouse starts runing round the kitchen floor. My firend mike is trying to hit it with a broom, and my this guy that was a frt member (donovan i think) pulls out this revolver, and shoots the mouse from a good 15 feet. one shot, one kill. i crapped my pants when i saw the gun. i actually heard it before i saw it.
What an idiot. I hope he got arrested for that stunt!


Active Member
make sure that they really are black widow spiders, there are some "imposters" out there that just look like black widows. You can tell by the hourglass shape on their bellies (you may want to look at a dead one).


Active Member
Just kill them, have you ever seen the hole made by a brown recluse, or the damage a black widow can do. These are truely dangerous. It would be like living in a house with a free ranging rattler.


Active Member
best way to kill these spiders is with a fire extenguisher. Any kind of bug spray will not do. The fire extenguisher won't kill the spiders either, but it will stun them long enough to squash.


Get a Havahart trap. The one for a mouse or other small creature is around $15. I would DEFINITELY call your landlord about the spiders!
Wade, I want to see a picture of your grandmother's killing methods


nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
make sure that they really are black widow spiders, there are some "imposters" out there that just look like black widows. You can tell by the hourglass shape on their bellies (you may want to look at a dead one).
or you kill it anyway because it is a friggin spider!

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Get a Havahart trap. The one for a mouse or other small creature is around $15. I would DEFINITELY call your landlord about the spiders!
Wade, I want to see a picture of your grandmother's killing methods

i used one of those and i took me about 2 hours to build up the guts to drown the racoon i caught.


I one time got lucky while hunting mice and my mouse trap only stunned the mouse so i was able to let him go outside


Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
i used one of those and i took me about 2 hours to build up the guts to drown the racoon i caught.
Ugh, why would you use a trap that does not kill and then drown it? You couldn't release it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ugh, why would you use a trap that does not kill and then drown it? You couldn't release it?
we use them to catch raccoons and opossums. we have a raccoon trap and a coyote trap, for the raccoons that are too big for the other trap. once we kill them we drown the ones in the coon trap in a stock tank or shoot the big ones. i would have no problem killing a mouse. theyre not endangered. there will always be more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ugh, why would you use a trap that does not kill and then drown it? You couldn't release it?
well.... what happens if you catch a cat? or a fox, or something else you don't want to kill?


Active Member
best way to kill mice is make a ramp to the top of a 5 gallon bucket half full of water. mice go in cause they are thirsty, and drown cause they cant get out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
best way to kill mice is make a ramp to the top of a 5 gallon bucket half full of water. mice go in cause they are thirsty, and drown cause they cant get out.
how do they know that theres water in it?


Active Member
dunno, but i've killed about 8 mice and 4 moles this way :)
it really helps when it is dry or cold, when normal drinking water for them is scarce, or if you use those poison packets that make them really thirsty and blow up their stomache when they drink water.