But back to the OP. This is why even Rhode Island, the most democrat heavy state in the Union, passed voter ID laws. Here in Az if people don't have picture ID, they can produce 2 forms of non-picture ID and still vote. But the DOJ is still investigating supposed voter intimidation and have asked the 9th Circus to invalidate our voter ID law. Dems don't want to give up those illegal votes. Back in the 2000 election, a San Diego republican filmed buses coming over from Tijuana and the people were taken to several voting locations and voted several times-and these were Mexicans from Mexico. Here in Arizona, Fox news filmed democrats handing voter registrations out to a mass of illegal protesters who were protesting HB 1070. In Chicago a few years back they invalidated, I think I'm remembering the number right, like 20000 votes cast by dead people. One person was a former Chicago mayor who died in the 1800's.