Originally Posted by Jesses89
alright ty....one last question(sorry).. do i have to glue the frag onto a piece of rock or will it be fine as is?
no harm in questions, its really not manditory no. Just want to try and send nicest you can. If you glue to a rock you wont get the typical die off around the base so it will have better chanes.
No one will give you any grief either way. We kinda half arse compete for who can take care of the next guy the best. Never know what little chunk of somethng you are tired of seeing might be something someone that lives in different area has never seen before.
for a prime exanple check out this thread I got these the other day and there are 2 in there the first and the 2nd pic I have never seen and the 3rd is of the green hydro. thread
jrthomas- might be a bit small, but like I originally said, I dont police sizes or species. I just try to watch for toxic or otherwise dangerous specimens.
If your saying Zoo, might be a bit small. If mushrooms then I think it will be just fine.
brown zoos with green center---#8
Still have slots left and still time to sign up. Thank you to everyone participating for being clear and keeping this clean. I return all emails so if anyone has any questions please dont hesitate.
Only 7 more open slots............................
I just realized how far these frags need to travel. Do you think I will need to add a cold pack or anything like that to the package (coming from FL) when it comes time to ship?
Originally Posted by reef46
I just realized how far these frags need to travel. Do you think I will need to add a cold pack or anything like that to the package (coming from FL) when it comes time to ship?
most likely not, but it depends on where its going. if it gets below 65 or above 90, you want to add the hot/cold pack.
this is actually perfect timing for trades, most of the country is temperate right now. Some cold weather portions but for most part a simple styrafoam foam lined boxworks fine.
Come on big money!!!! I love the sound of these colored zoos....Purple/blue mouth Zoo, Radioactive Green Zoo, or Green w/Orange skirt Zoo! I am on a zoos run looking for more colors and these sound great!!! :cheer: