Whoa. He's better than Jackie Chan! I think he should try out for the running long jump or something. And if I were him, I'd be concerned about my knees giving out after one of those landings.
Originally Posted by TangMan99
I read on another board where it is a "sport" called freerunning that got started in France.
They started that in WWII... That's why you see all those French rifles for sale on the auction site "Never fired, dropped once".
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They started that in WWII... That's why you see all those French rifles for sale on the auction site "Never fired, dropped once".
That cold Bang Guy! So true, but cold. :hilarious
I cant remember what shoe company. Im thinking nike made a comercial with a guy who could do crazy stuff like that. I definately think its amazing and dangerous
yea i no wat commerical you talking about,...i thought this sport was called freejumping or something liek that,...i think the has a lot to do with mental strenght,...the body can handle sooo much more than humanly possible
I breifly remember a discovery channel special on this I think. I thought it was at tribe or group of people that treated it like a sport or something.
Pretty crazy stuff - I hurt myself going down steps the right way let alone jumping over them.