They said it couldn't be done......



In my 72 gal bow front, I have a Queen, Titan, Clown and Niger trigger living in complete harmony (I drop valume tablets in the water every day. Just kidding). How long do you guys think this will last. I plan to upgrade to a 210 gal no later than the summer time. The largest trigger (Queen) is about 4 inches.


Clown is about 3 inches. Not sure how old that is in trigger years.


The clown was actually the first one in the tank. As far as everyone else is concerned, the tank is his.


i think you shoul return all the fish and hope for store credit, keeping that many triggers its just cruel. You can keep the niger, but build aroung him. Tanks should be built around the fish. Theyre not going to work just cause you want them to. Not trying to be mean but really, think of the fish. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
It's only a matter of time. The only thing that can speed up the process is an Undulated.
Triggers are Jeckyl and Hydes. If I had a nickel for everybody that tried to convince me that their trigger was just the most docile, easy going fish... then one day, that trigger just gets it in him to go on a killing spree.
Frankly, in your tank the only question is who will strike first. Even in the 210...
EDIT: In fact, now that I think about it more, a 210 might be more likely to have this happen. The only thing that may be keeping things in check is that the tank is far too small for any of them to really establish a territory. That's how LFSs get away with putting a bunch of yellow tangs in one tank... by overcrowding. Once they go in that 210, and they all stake claim to a rock, corner, etc and another one drifts into another's keep...


Active Member
I sincerely hope this is a joke. What you have is no success, nor are the fish living in harmony. The short amount of time, that you've had them, is nothing.
In the off chance that it's not a joke, you've got aprox. 6 months...maybe, maybe a little longer.
This is obviously a case of not researching, before purchasing, considering the fact that one of those fish you have will be upwards of 30" long, when fully grown.
Dont even bother with the 210gal, if you intend on keeping these fish. Prepare to drop cash for a 750gal - 1000gal tank, or be responsible and return all the fish now. Even with a tank that size, you're gonna have serious territorial issues and major aggression problems, especially from the Titan.


Active Member
Funny thing is that your heading says "They said it couldn't be done" I don't think anyone said that. It's like you can put a tang in a 20 gallon tank, it can be done but shouldn't be done. I would have said to you before you put those fish together "not to do it" not that it can't be done. I can put a shark with any fish or a barracuda with any fish but I probably shouldn't.
what your heading should have said is "It's just a matter of time"


I am fully aware of the temperments and potential size of each fish. I have also tried to take all precautions in regards to agressive behavior by placing pletty of live rock for hidding places. I also keep them well fed. I have had the tank established for the last six months without incident and I plan to set-up my 210 in the same fashion. I have read pretty much everything that everyone has said in other reference materials, but have not witnessed any of it. Perhaps the Jeckle and Hyde anology is in th near future, but I just do not see it. I would love to get some feed back from current trigger owners. Thanks again for all of your opinions and please continue to make suggestions.


Active Member
I have a Hawaiian Trigger(5") with a Kole Tang (4"), Coral Beauty (3"), Maroon clown (1.5"), and a Diamond goby (2.5"). The one I need to keep an eye on is the clown and he is only 1.5 inches and totally is the boss.
IMO if you keep them well fed they will be okay......until one goes postal


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggcity
I am fully aware of the temperments and potential size of each fish..... . I have read pretty much everything that everyone has said in other reference materials....
I don't keep aggressive fish (except for my little Lion) so normally I just follow along on these threads. The above info you posted, however, made me curious.
If you are aware of the size limits of the fish, why did you get them all to keep in a tank unsuited to their needs?
In all of your reading of other materials did you come across anyone who said keeping these fish together was a good idea?
Are you experimenting? What happens if one does go postal? Are you prepared to house each fish in a seperate aquarium?


I'll post pics tomorrow evening. Gotta clan the algea of my glass (like your tanks are photo ready!)
Like I said, the largest trigger is 4 inches and they all have plenty of room for now. Also, I did state that I plan to upgrade. As to wheather or not keeing these fish together is a good idea, I've only read keeping more than one of the same typ is not a good idea-mixing is ok. I really appreciate you guys comments. Please keep them coming.


Oh yeah, I do have a 20 gal isolation tank up and running. Please understand that the queens and titan are very hard to come by, so I have taken all precautions.


Active Member
ya , it just isnt right,, or cool,, or tough,
let me put you in a cage with a lion, polar bear, silverback gorilla and see how long you all get along and who wins in the end
maybe im over=reactin g but you know its not right and you still did it which makes me feel pretty strongly about things like this


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggcity
Oh yeah, I do have a 20 gal isolation tank up and running. Please understand that the queens and titan are very hard to come by, so I have taken all precautions.
The titan alone will grow larger than your future tank can hold.
You have not "taken all precautions". You set up a typical reef tank (most of us have a lot of live rock with caves and such) and put fish that aren't compatible into sub-par habitat. You feed your fish well, so do most of us. In fact I make my own fish food...
Taken all Precautions would include, but not be limited too:
*A much larger tank than you have or plan to have.
*Seperate, yet equal habitat tanks (multiple 100+ gallon tanks) ready to go in case fish start fighting.
I'm not trying to be harsh, but you're burying your head in the sand by saying you're prepared and you've done your homework....


Active Member
Let me add by quoting "Marine Fishes" by Michaels describing the Clown Trigger:
"...Some manifest a Jekyll and Hyde personality: amiable for many months, then suddenly turning nasty- nipping and even killing their tankmates...."
How have you prepared for this???


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"...Some manifest a Jekyll and Hyde personality

Did I call it or what? :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggcity
Like I said, the largest trigger is 4 inches and they all have plenty of room for now. Also, I did state that I plan to upgrade. As to wheather or not keeing these fish together is a good idea, I've only read keeping more than one of the same typ is not a good idea-mixing is ok. I really appreciate you guys comments. Please keep them coming.
The largest fish is only 4"'ve got maybe 2" before it reaches it's sub-adult phase and starts getting territorial. Have you ever seen any one of those species in the wild? Have you seen a 30" Titan chase a diver, because the diver was in the Titans territory? I've been on the receiving end of that chase. Have you seen a 20" Queen Trigger, being territorial?
You plan to upgrade, but even your upgrade isnt a fraction of the size tank you're going to need.
You've read, somewhere, that someone said it's a good idea to keep these Triggers together, since they're not the same species? Please, show me ANYWHERE, on any forum, where someone (with experiance) has said this. That's just a rediculous comment.