they sent me a monster


for $65 you usually get a 3 or 4 inch trigger. Well this queen is 8 inches plus......he belongs in a state aquarium! So, I'm off to the LFS guy that's pretty cool about stuff, to shop for a hot tub sized aquarium................He just ate 1/4 lb of shrimp


Active Member
Yeah, I hate when that happens and you arent prepared for it. When I order livestock I have to put down NO SUBSTITUTIONS on size or else that crap happens. Sometimes its a good thing and other times, its a nightmare.


Yeah JON, it's a nightmare. As you already know, we're still adding tank after tank, and we have the capacity for this stuff at present. Long term......( cause he's my mascot ) I just looked at 125 and a 220 an hour ago. I got a deal from LFS on a 75 to PU next week but a 75 is like putting a great white in a teacup! Monk, here's a pic (2), The Heniochus Acuminatus also came in EXTRA LARGE today. It's kind of funny with tanks on the fireplace, garage, kitchen table and all, sort of a FISHMAS/Christmas atmosphere for the holiday unexpectedly, no lights necessary this year, enough colors.



Active Member
WOW - fish tank on the dinner table!!! HAHAHA - my wife would kill me!!!!
Haha, I truly just can't stop laughing.
That's awesome. And now you get to go get a 100+ gal? Hmmm, I wonder if I get a super large fish, if my wife will let me go get a huge tank... doubt it. Awesome fish btw... but kitchen table! Awesome!!!!


the kitchen table was her idea!!! that fish hasn't been available on SWF FOREVER I've been waiting, so I got it elsewhere. They usually charge much more for a fish this size, I didn't expect him to be this huge. He'd eat everything in the other tanks, so he wound up solo on the kitchen table, for now.................


Active Member
i would have fainted if i opened a box and saw something that big expecting something small


OK, he just ate 4 more whole shrimp, takes from your hand with a gulp/slurp sound from the water's surface.....we're still laughing. I'll finish MY dinner and take more pics. BRB. BTW, he ate thru the plastic bag and ruined the heat packs for the coral ( saltwater all over the styro ), luckily all survived.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bessycerka
OK, he just ate 4 more whole shrimp, takes from your hand with a gulp/slurp sound from the water's surface.....we're still laughing. I'll finish MY dinner and take more pics. BRB. BTW, he ate thru the plastic bag and ruined the heat packs for the coral ( saltwater all over the styro ), luckily all survived.
HAHA, are you eating dinner in from of it? That would be a sight to see. It's probably watching you eat saying "Hey! I'm still hungry!"


Actually, I was having a Miller Light at the table and he was giving me this jealous look..Vicious at that size................that's why my hand's in the front and he's in the back. The last one ( tiny by comparison ) latched on to my finger while scraping algae off the glass............Here's JOHNNY>>>>>>>



$65 was a steal I think. I'm the one here that says " where would we put a tank that big?" when she says go ahead. I really don't need an excuse,'s sad that it will have to be a species tank cause the fish'd eat every tankmate at this size.


You'd think, but if you ever saw one of these baby's in action at this size......I heard the undulated trigger is the meaneast/most agressive, I have a small one ( 3" ) and it's the most timid ( now ) hiding in holes in LR. Everytime someone walks in the room from 20 feet away this little guy runs for cover, you'd never even know he was in the tank. An eel may be compatible, lion fish don't do well with aggressive triggers, a ray ( now we're talking serious big tanks ) I don't know yet, but open to good ideas. It's almost like having a dog, he follows you when you get near the tank, eats from your hand, moves the LR around, it's a real trip.


It's a shame to get rid of that beautiful fish, but if you can't house him then it is best. I hope your LFS gives you a good deal for him.