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The horses are turning more brown, I have heard of color enriching foods, does anyone know what they are? Here is an updated pic.


Active Member
Horses change to fit thier environment. They are great at camo. They usually change to match thier favorite hitch.
Very nice by the way. Do you have a full tank shot?


Yeah...mine were bright yellow when I got them...Now 1 is black and the other is a really pretty rusty/brown...


Active Member
I know the plastic plants dont really look good, but there are some nice coral replicas that can be used as hitches and they come in nice bright colors. I like them more then plastic plants.


Well-Known Member
Theresa's right, there's some nice bright yellow SPS coral replicas that look pretty realistic available if you do a little googling.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I know the plastic plants dont really look good, but there are some nice coral replicas that can be used as hitches and they come in nice bright colors. I like them more then plastic plants.
Surprisingly, the tacky plastic plant trick seemed to work. Yesterday, girl #1 was hitched to the yellow part of the plant and was definitely more orange-yellow than we've seen her for a long time. Girl #2, still on the LR, was still sporting her brown camo look.
The one cool thing about the tacky plastic plant..... it GLOWS IN THE DARK! I'd like the girls to try to match that!!!
As for the FTS, I got up yesterday to do the water change and someone had turned off the power switch to the heaters in my water bins. The temps were about 65 degrees - way too cold for using. So that's on the list for this morning.
I'll get the cleaning done, but can't guarantee the FTS by today, but will try. I'm multi-tasking - finishing up packing for vacation, preparing the tanks before I leave on vacation, working on my honey-do list for dori for what else needs to be done before I leave.
If I don't get the pic up, I'll see if dori can do it for me (she's staying home this time with her best friend from CA).


Active Member
Tell us a little more about your tank, size, temp. What else is in the tank?
Cant wait to see pictures.
here a couple of things that might work too. the first could be used as a feeding dish



The tank is a 48 gallon hex, very tall! We have a prizm skimmer, an eheim classic canister filter. We have an air pump for aeration and a stream of bubbles. About 50 pounds live rock. Caulerpa and some type of red macro.
We have a purple firefish and a blue dot goby as tankmates. Everyone gets along really well. We are only feeding Hikari mysis and what ever pods they are finding. John is doing the water change as I type so FTS to follow soon!!


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Tell us a little more about your tank, size, temp. What else is in the tank?
Cant wait to see pictures.
here a couple of things that might work too. the first could be used as a feeding dish
Thanks Teresa, those look better than what we have in there now.