thing on LR ?


This might be a easy question.
I started cycling my tank on monday and i never really noticed until last night this thing on my LR. IT is only about 1 1/2" or so long its brown and is round in shape out of the end of it these feather duster looking fingers come out Sometimes it retracts them in other times there sticking out about 1/2" .


dosent look like that...
Its really bland and boring except for the little fingers which are whiteish in color its stuck to the rock like its been there for a while.


Active Member
If it looks like a bump with little "hands" that go in and out of it, it is a compound tunicate. I am having a dificult time finding a picture of that subspecies however. :(
Compound sea squirt Didemnum lahillei
Description: cream to white in color; colonial tunicate where microscopic individuals form large colonies (up to 45 cm long) with finger-like projections; juveniles present from July to November
Pathway: introduced from the Pacific
Current Distribution: Maine to Connecticut, including Georges Banks off New England coast
Impact: fouling organisms, attaches to rocks, docks, pilings; forms encrusting mats on seafloor, usurping benthic habitat


Thats ok... as long as im not getting negative responses it think everything will be fine. Thanks for trying


Active Member
I agree dose it look something like these? Of course it is smaller than thoughs but dose it look like them? Pic below.


yes it does look similar to that very much smaller, the markings on the " feathers" look like there about in the same spot as this. Is this common for these to be attached to LR. Just put it in on Monday not sure how long it had been at lfs but, he had it in a big huge tub of water.


Active Member
The grow on live rock. The ones that usually grow on live rock have hard casings. The ones that you buy usually have soft. It should be fine and for small ones like that you dont really have to bother with feeding them. Only when you get some more of the filter feeders in the tank will you need to suppliment.