things in sand?


Here is a picture. I'm finally learning how to do this pic stuff.:joy:
Sand, "tumble" small live rock, one or two snails, some of those tiny white stars, bristel worms, and I had some star polyps that grow don't there but the other day I took all the junk, cleaned the rocks and put them back.
I know I need more cleanup crew down there but xmas has set me back. I was/am having some coral problem and I noticed that my lighting was 1 to 1 1/2 years old. Replacing 8 lights and buying some test kits was expensive and a top prority.
I need to know what to do with that Hair Algea problem.
As you might be able to see I have three areas of my sump and the refigium is in the middle. LIke an idiot I wanted enough room and put a 30G down there. However you can't remove is tank unless you remove the top tank.
My longterm plan will be to seperate my sump and refigium or redesign it at least. So when I remove the top tank I will also change my substrate but I still ahven't decided on a DSB or a Thin one yet. STill listening to the arguements before I decide.
Sorry I'm long winded Bang Guy.

bang guy

I think your refugium lookes really good. I would suggest just buying or trading live sand to increase the diversity and forget about any more clean-up crew in the refugium. Perhaps some Cerith Snails but you mostly just need more sand bed critters.


Here is another pic. The right had side which is just a bit darker is where the Hair Algea has taken hold with my Macro. It would be impossiable to seperate one from another.

bang guy

Well, it doess look like it's time to harvest a lot of your macro algae. Try taking the old growth that has hair on it and just toss it.


Well I'll try that next week when I get my tset kits. I'll test before and then after.
I'm really sorry but I think I started to take your on your thread. I actually thought it was mine until I checked it out a minute ago. I had started a similar Thread at the same time was you. SORRY.