things that are exaggerated


the whole point to this topic is to ENJOY your hobby. Thats why we all got into it. To look at the stuff that is truely unknown. If everybody was an expert at this stuff wouldn't everybody be doing it? Its not to call people "tree huggers" and not to let opinions overrule your emotions. The whole point is to help each other at this beautiful hobby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
the whole point to this topic is to ENJOY your hobby. Thats why we all got into it. To look at the stuff that is truely unknown. If everybody was an expert at this stuff wouldn't everybody be doing it? Its not to call people "tree huggers" and not to let opinions overrule your emotions. The whole point is to help each other at this beautiful hobby.

Quite. Support each other and it can only benefit the whole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I smell a troll...
you know.... that is the second time i have heard someone say that on a fish message board....... but until this week, i dont think ive ever heard anyone call someone else a troll except for a kid in a movie talking about their teacher like in Matilda..... does it stand for something or mean something over the internet?!! i dont get it


Active Member
We all have 1 thing in common here. we love sw. Obviosly, we have to love it in order to lay down so much cash to support it. Our passion for it is what fuels our emotion to explode whenever someone states something different from what we believe. We all have different opinions and are intiteled to them. Why must we accost someone for having a diiferent opinion? If we can just get along and acknowledge our differences without having to resort to emotionally flared, aggressive language and thereby running people off of these boards. Who should be welcomed as we all have been. Then we can get to the heart of our passion and truely enjoy each others company. While continuing to help each other to accomplish whatever it is that they're trying to achieve. Instead of yelling! You cant do that! Explain that you dont think thats a good idea and then why. Or say I wish you would'nt do that and explain why. If the person still says they want to, why would'nt you want to try and make it successful for them? Or try to politely show them why you think it would'nt be successful? If they still want to try it, you dont have to post. My Daddy allways said....If ya aint got nothin good to say.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
you know.... that is the second time i have heard someone say that on a fish message board....... but until this week, i dont think ive ever heard anyone call someone else a troll except for a kid in a movie talking about their teacher like in Matilda..... does it stand for something or mean something over the internet?!! i dont get it

I want to know too....


I guess no one said it better than ophiura...
"Nothing says it better than a picture".
We can all disagree or agree with the's not gonna change his mind about the way he treats his fish.
I, however, do not believe for one second that he has had all of those fish in that tank "for years" and not had any problems (fish dying, etc.).


Active Member
A "troll" is someone who specifically posts inflammatory comments in order to get a response. Tangs in a small tank or similar is often a classic tactic used by a troll.
Instead of yelling! You cant do that! Explain that you dont think thats a good idea and then why. Or say I wish you would'nt do that and explain why.
I just want to point out that this is a two way street, and VERY commonly the people on both sides of any argument are rude, flame and call people names. This is not simply about people saying you can't do such and such a thing; in fact, recently, people asking ANY question about a tank have been jumped on because they might be critical of something.