Hello all. Well I have been looking to add one last fish to my display and want it to be a great one. I toyed with getting a Interruptus angel but thanks to fellow -- members I decided against it because of temperature needs among otherthings. I then set my sights on a Wrought Iron Butterfly, but the temperature issue came up again. So then onto a Conspiculatus. One of my all time dream fish, but I think my big 8" Black Tang is going kill the Conspic if I add him. So then I always wanted a male or pair of crosshatches. Problem is you can only get 7+" male crosshatches for the most part. I wanted something in the 5" range. So after scouring sources for fish I came across this beauty and I think I found my fish. It is a Crosshatch hybrid. Not sure what it's crossed with but it's either crossed with a sargassum or blue throat. What do you guys think? The fish is the right size and it is absolutely beautiful. What do you guys think of this fish? Thanks, Tim