Thinking About Taking The Plunge????


Active Member
Couple of questions for you. I was thinking you may want a couple of shutoffs on the top floor. Where do you think these should go? At either end of the stand before it goes into the floor?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
Couple of questions for you. I was thinking you may want a couple of shutoffs on the top floor. Where do you think these should go? At either end of the stand before it goes into the floor?
how about right in here because this is were im sending the pipping down stairs were it can almost go straight down to the sump not quite though so theres not to many bends
im going to put the pipping as close to the wall as possible
sound good?


if your wanting me to do a cented pump return sump then maybe this is something you might be thinking about?
looks like it will be hard to over fill!


Originally Posted by Murph
If you have the lighting sure
hay morph were you been i would still love to get some more input from you too


Active Member
Lets start with this and move from here. This is what I kinda thought would work. It doesn't look like you have a whole lot of room back there so I placed the pipes on either side of the stand.
Not very well versed in flow through design but I think its right


Active Member
Using the head loss calc on -- 1" pipe, 7' vert, 2' hort, 3 45's,1 union, 1 ball valve, 1 inlet, 2 outlets, Mag 18 pump will have about 900 GPH back to the tank.
Now I have used this calculator before and usually the flow is greater than what it states so I think an 18 will do just fine. I'd bet it will be more like 1000gph in the end.......


ok i just figured i would have more flow to the drain if there were two 1" pipes coming down from the OF to the sump instead of 2 into 1 or would it fill the sump to fast and over flow it?
also with the baffles that only leaves 3" clearance is this enough room to stop overflow?
what did you think of the 55 gal. sump pic?
from the looks it seems pretty hard to overflow
and to that the blue colored pipe is 1" right?
so i guess the red is 3/4"?
by the way im getting my lumber and will probably do the stand this weekend


Active Member
Drains are 2@1" that go into a 1.5" manifold and then down to the basement as a 1.5" drain. Yes 1.5" will handle that much flow. Or to be on the safe side you could go with 2" but I think that is over kill.
That pic is the way I would do it, I prefer center pump design. Its a bit more work b/c you will have to split the drains again once downstairs.
As far as overflow in the sump, as long as you calc the correct amount of room there should be no problem. That's why I prefer to go through the brain damage now rather then when the plumbing is half done and you have to start over.
Your return is all 1" but you could go with 1.25" and after it comes out of the floor you could then split and go with 2@1" returns. This will gain you a touch more flow.....
Since you have 75 and a 55 sump I think you should be OK. I just wanted to give you some point of refference to ask Q's and get something going.
BTW SWF doesn't take kindly to posting links to competitors sites. I would remove it before they do........
If you want to do this through email, just give me your email addy and I'll let you know I have it and then you can remove it. Some spammers around that will pick it up.....


please dont laugh

but here is how i have to put the sump i cant put it right under neath the DT because there is a shower there and i wont be able to get in it
the bar next to the sump is the main drain pipe from the up stairs bathroom
just wanted to give you a pic of were i can put things if you want real pics let me know and i will show you
if you want to get a better view of what i have to work around
thanks again Tim


Active Member
No worries this is where the spa flex comes in......
Again these drawings are just to work out the bugs. When you put it together you'll just have to make the adjustments as needed.
OK, so I added 2 more 45's and 1 more union (at the pump) and you're still at about 850gph.
Play with the head loss calculator on -- home page
No worries


Active Member
Got it!

Just checked out that thread and Yes that is what you want. But with some math I think we can get more water volume out of the skimmer side. Since you don't have any height restriction you can make a platform for the skimmer to get it at the best water depth. this mean it will have to be raised in the sump. Some egg crate tied together with zip ties will work very well for this purpose.


Originally Posted by TurningTim
Got it!

Just checked out that thread and Yes that is what you want. But with some math I think we can get more water volume out of the skimmer side. Since you don't have any height restriction you can make a platform for the skimmer to get it at the best water depth. this mean it will have to be raised in the sump. Some egg crate tied together with zip ties will work very well for this purpose.

now that you mentioned it here is a drawing i did last week
what do you think as far as in placement and i did think of egg crate for the skimmer too

that is except for the center pump idea i like that idea too


ok ok now i see been reading more and it looks that closed loop is powered by a deferent pump then the sump i get it now

but i can stilll run it from there or i can just put the closed loop pump down in my cabinet
but will the pump over heat outside any water in the air?