Thinking my BlueDot needs some help

........................................ehh im sorry for you......i bet it was the dog with the nife..............lols or you could get a mandarin shrimp if you like colorfull and aggresive.....awesome little crustaceans ehh i dont now what to say man .....make up your mind next time...or mother nature will make it up for you
Nah, after my first endeavor with colorful agressive FW fish, I've decided to only go for more peaceful fish. One of the things I loved about my puffer was that he never went after any other fish. Only the snails. And occasionally the hermits.


Active Member
I am sorry to say I have read many threads like this one and from that it does not look good for your fish. They tend to be hard to keep for any extended period of time in a lot of cases. They exhibit the same symptoms as yours, heavy breathing, loss of appetite, and sooner or later loss of color. Then just lying out in the open on the gravel or in a corner and whithering away to nothing. Some say it is collection process and the stress associated with it, in some cases cyanide poisoning, although that method is not used as much any more.
Just the luck of the draw, if you are a conscientious keeper and your other charges are doing well I would not beat yourself too much. It is too bad really, such a beautiful and interesting creature.
"They tend to be hard to keep for any extended period of time in a lot of cases. They exhibit the same symptoms as yours, heavy breathing, loss of appetite, and sooner or later loss of color. Then just lying out in the open on the gravel or in a corner and whithering away to nothing."
By "they," do you mean BlueDot Puffers or just fish in general. And luckily he did not lie out in the open withering away, my family said he was still swimming today. They said he actually did eat a couple flakes today too, which he hadn't done the last week.
And I know someone's going to jump on that now, so I'll just say in advance: No, the puffer's diet did not consist only of flakes. I gave him flakes, pellets, krill shrimp, and he ate many snails in that tank too.


Active Member
I apologize. I did not read Puffer, I read blue dot jawfish. Please disregard everything I said.
**runs away embarrassed**