Thinking of a small shark or ray?


Active Member
I believe you're talking about the brown banded bamboo. There are very common to get as eggs or pups but get pretty large. I don't know tank size, but I do know they need at least 9'x4'x2' of a tank or pond. If you really want a shark, I'd say go for a coral catshark or marbled catshark. Either of those can go into a 180g for most of it's life. But research before purchasing.


Active Member
you need to change the pictures titles..
the 1st picture is a grey bamboo
the 2nd picture ( the fatter one) is the arabian bamboo


thanks man cuz i was thinking about getting a shark and ray tank in my new home but i was thinking maybe like a 300 gallon tank maybe 240 gallon
at my LFS they have im pretty sure from the pics you posted a grey bamboo shark they have a couple of those and a couple of cat sharks
they all look awesome and my buddy recently had a bamboo shark for a month just a lil baby and it actually died today he still dosnt know why he ate great and no problems with the other fish???
i hear it so hard to have a shark and ray tank or even just a shark tank i dont fully know why its ridiculously hard but from what i understand its REALLY hard
but thank you for posting all the pics and info its so helpful


how you gotme all freaked out mine wilkl die.:( had him for 3 weeks now. he seems happy thought he wait by the glass for me to feed him when i get home. its so cute


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Here is a list of desirable sharks that are not seen to often in the aquarium trade. I will not be listing as much information because little is known about them.
-Australian Spotted Catshark (Max. length: 24")(Native to Australia and Tasmania)
-Gulf Catshark (22")
-Blackspotted Catshark (26")
-Lined Catshark (22")
-Tiger Catshark (18")
-Puffadder Shyshark (23")(Native to Africa's coast)
-Brown Puffadder (28")(Native to South Africa)
-Dark Shyshark (22")
-Pyjama Catshark (39")(South African and Madagascar native)
-Leopard Catshark (33")(Native to African waters)
-Cloudy Catshark (19")
-Burma Bamboo Shark(22")(Burma)
-Hasselt's Bamboo Shark(23")(Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia)
-Indian Bamboo SharkI(25")(Arabian Sea to the Solomon Islands, Philippines)
-Freycinet's Epaulette Shark(18")(Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea)
I'd add the Wards Wobbegong and Japanese Wobbegong to the above list. They don't get that large and their inactivity makes them well suited to confined spaces. Unfortunately, they are very rarely seen in the aquarium trade.


Active Member
I can't edit but thanks for sharing. Ya wobbies are inacctive, but the fact that most tank mates have a threat of getting eaten, even sharks, scares me away from the idea of getting one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
crim, you remember when i almost got a wobbie for my tank? me and you threw the idea around a bit
Yeah... I think it was a jap wobbie that was available at that time. You probably made a better choice with the bamboo. The wobbie's just don't move a whole lot.


Active Member
There is a guy on another site who got a wobbie. It is a smaller species, not sure, not a japenese or wards, I think it may be smaller, but it is a cool shark, just not one I'd want.