thinking of getting a BTA to save my hammer.


My clown fish are killing my hammer coral. I didn't want an anemone because I have a nano tank, and they can move, I also have other fish I don't want it to eat. SWF says a BTA is "reef safe" does this mean it will not eat my blenny or sixline? any thoughts suggestions welcome.


There's no guarantees with anemones....I have a bta...has not eaten anything except what I have fed my clowns do not host it either
it is a gamble


Originally Posted by symphony
My clown fish are killing my hammer coral. I didn't want an anemone because I have a nano tank, and they can move, I also have other fish I don't want it to eat. SWF says a BTA is "reef safe" does this mean it will not eat my blenny or sixline? any thoughts suggestions welcome.
What size is the tank?
I had three BTA's in my 40G, never ate any of my fish or stung any of my corals. It's always a gamble with anemones, some don't move around, others do. I got an anemone because my clowns were beating on my torch and hammer corals, and almost killed the hammer. IMO, BTA's are reef safe and probably the best anemone to go with. Some clowns host, others don't, it's luck of the draw. Chances are, if they're hosting your coral now, they'll take to the anemone. That being said, I don't know if I'd put an anemone in a 10G?? I guess if you got a very small one you might be okay.


my nano is a 28 G, the clowns are in love with the hammer they wiggle through it, have dug a hole in the sand below one of the branches and sleep in it's branches at night. But my hammer is not in love with them, it has gone to about 30% of what it was in about 3 mo. my blenny has a rock with several holes he loves to peek his head out of almost in contact with where the hammer, and where the anemone will replace it, so I am worried that he will get stung and eaten. Is there anything else that I could place there to make the clowns happy and keep my blenny from being eaten?


WOW! That hammer is NOT happy! The blenny will find another spot, you have plenty of LR. The anemone isn't going to eat him, unless your blenny is a complete idiot, which I highly doubt, lol!
You definitely need to get an anemone to try and save that hammer!