This Guy Showed Up Any Ideas


Noticed him last night he or she is about 1/4 inch in diameter. He moves around and appears and then disappears. Any ideas what it is?



Well-Known Member
My first though was a black zoanthid, which can disappear into the rock. As far as moving around? Not so much...


Looked at a few pictures online and Bang Guy you hit the nail on the head, it is a Shingle Sea Urchin. Next question should I leave him alone or get rid of him. I have to say he is kind of cool looking. All those purple tube feet kind of stand out.

bang guy

If it were me I would leave him until you see him do something negative. Although they are omnivores they prefer algae, not always a bad thing.


Yeah I have watched him work on the newly formed algae on the live rock. As I said he is kind of neat looks like a helmet with lots tiny purple feet.

Amy thoughts on why my dry rock is already forming coralline algae after only three weeks. I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed patches of pink appearing where a light brown algae or coating of diatoms seemed to be forming. I have started to add the Magnesium supplement and will monitor how it changes my readings.

I have a number of gallons of new saltwater that I prepared thinking I was going to do a substantial water change. now I am thinking of holding off since my readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates are good. How long can I keep the reserve water on the side and does it need to be constantly agitated while I hold it in reserve?


Well-Known Member
I typically make new salt water right after I do a water change. I let it mix heated for a few hours until everything is in solution. I turn the heater and power head back on a few hours before I use it. I also check salinity before I use it and adjust as needed.