This guy wants to be president?


Active Member
I'm still waiting for your answer how I spew hate toward Mr. Obama when I point out his own words and actions as being socialist etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Yep, the market will work it out. Part of the problem was the gov't requiring banks to loan to those who were high risk to begin with. The gov't makes part of the problem, then when the house of cards falls, they swoop in to save the day.
Gov't had nothing to do with this... the problem was their lack of oversight of banks and their

schemes. If we allow the "market" to work it out, we see continuing record #'s of foreclosures. More banks will collapse, and their will be less confidence in the market. The smart thing to do would be to help people refinance so they can stay in their homes, and so that banks can continue to operate... this is a win-win scenario.
Please tell me how the market can fix the situation?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Flying a plane, in bad weather, IS analytical thinking.
I see no reason to continue arguing this point, Bush will be judged based on the last 8 years... I think history will not look too well upon those 8 years.. and I believe the Bush Presidential Legacy is tarnished, despite the efforts against terrorism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Are you serious?

No one cares that he is from the South or has an accent... I am also not saying that he is an idiot. He is the President; however, comparing him intellecutally to Obama I think in all polls, Bush would lose. What is even furthermore ridiculous.. is your comparison to their speaking ability, telepromter or not. When Obama is having a regular conversation he is very articulate, and is very thoughtful in his responses... which is why their maybe the occasional pause. Obama is the best speaker of any of the candidates, and I thing this is a silly attempt by you and republicans in general to make his oratory skills a negative. Bush may have had the skills to fly a plane, however when it comes to communication and analitical thinking he is a dud.
lol, (not saying McLaim is better) bush's failing is his PR. But listen to obama, and you could accurately quote a famous actor, "We are all just a little bit dumber" And I'm sorry 7 minutes of Uhhmmm in a single press conference isn't the "occational pause" I don't care about his oratory skills, (after all I like bush.) I do question his skull full of liberal mush.
Who cares what polls say, if you had the media donating 100-1 for the liberal, and their glittering press coverage of obama you'd have a good impression of him too. You know looking at the likely voter polls McLaim is ahead by 4% points... If polls are gospel, why is Obamuuhh doing soo poorly you know the "worldwide movement" that you describe?
There has to be a reason for the HATRED on the left for bush. And I think it is prejudice simply because he is from the south. Google texas idiot, read articles on why bush is stupid. And you get back to how he speaks. They don't even talk about his policies, just how he talks. Yes it is a prejudice for the south.


stdreb27;2704731 said:
Bush is one of the more intellegent people to hold that office. People who think otherwise simple hold prejudice to people from the "south." His arguments have (unlike some) been consistant and wellfounded. This whole notion that he is a bumbling idiot is simply a well organized concocted attack by the left wing simply because they don't like his accent. If you want bumbling you aught to hear obama, off his teleprompter."
You have got to be kidding. Where have you been for the last eight years? He has got to be one of the worst public speakers out there...... He consistently fumbles with sentences and mispronounces words. And you assertion that anyone who believes that he is the village idiot hold a prejudice towards southern individuals is even more laughable.
I believe this image sums up Bush perfectly -


Active Member
Fishy.....;2704866 said:
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Bush is one of the more intellegent people to hold that office. People who think otherwise simple hold prejudice to people from the "south." His arguments have (unlike some) been consistant and wellfounded. This whole notion that he is a bumbling idiot is simply a well organized concocted attack by the left wing simply because they don't like his accent. If you want bumbling you aught to hear obama, off his teleprompter."
You have got to be kidding. Where have you been for the last eight years? He has got to be one of the worst public speakers out there...... He consistently fumbles with sentences and mispronounces words. And you assertion that anyone who believes that he is the village idiot hold a prejudice towards southern individuals is even more laughable.
you can't debate his policy, you just attack how he speaks...
I believe this image sums up Bush perfectly -

My point has just been made, ignore policy, and just talks about how he has an accent, however for the south it is mispronunciation, not accent.


Heres an interesting question how many presidents that have been elected lost the popular vote. Maybe instead of voting once every four years and putting a sticker on your shirt to say I did my part people you really think they can change politics should get involved in local elections that they have some chance of effecting. Personally I think if all registered voters did'nt show up record and I mean record low turnouts and nothing changed we could show that our political system requires some fine tuning. Though the only real way to effect politics is with millions of dollars ie lobbiest. But lets not waste our time with politics we need to fight the real EVIL
out there OPRAH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Heres an interesting question how many presidents that have been elected lost the popular vote. Maybe instead of voting once every four years and putting a sticker on your shirt to say I did my part people you really think they can change politics should get involved in local elections that they have some chance of effecting. Personally I think if all registered voters did'nt show up record and I mean record low turnouts and nothing changed we could show that our political system requires some fine tuning. Though the only real way to effect politics is with millions of dollars ie lobbiest. But lets not waste our time with politics we need to fight the real EVIL
out there OPRAH.
2 now, who did oprah endorse?
All you USA haters out there, do me a BIG favor, go do some humanitarian work in a 3rd world country then come back and tell me how bad our country is. You aren't walking 200 miles over mountains for weeks because someone set up a free mobile clinic...


Active Member
I like where this thread is going and thought I’d chime in. I don’t think that Bush is an eejit, that’d be an insult to idiots everywhere. Seriously, I’d guess he is above average and IMO, the persona he projects has been groomed and is a product of a lot of strateegery so he’d have more appeal to the masses because they think the average American is an idiot. Given that he’s been the president for two terms they might be right
He is a man of great privilege and has been the beneficiary of that. There is no way in the world he’d be able to become the Governor of Texas or the President of the greatest country in the world if he had to achieve either on his own merit. That’s why so many people like Obama, he is a self-made man and is in the position he is today based off his own merits…not those of his daddy or his fortune.


Active Member
stdreb27;2704867 said:
Originally Posted by Fishy.....
My point has just been made, ignore policy, and just talks about how he has an accent, however for the south it is mispronunciation, not accent.
I realize that Texas was a slave state but I've never considered it to be part of the south. If you have a hang up about your accent maybe you should see a speech therapist?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
2 now, who did oprah endorse?
All you USA haters out there, do me a BIG favor, go do some humanitarian work in a 3rd world country then come back and tell me how bad our country is. You aren't walking 200 miles over mountains for weeks because someone set up a free mobile clinic...
US hater, way to make assumputions about someone by a paragraph they wrote. Your intelligence is truely being reflected
The funny part is the Goverment's and those with all the money and power greatest trick has been to make people like you think you are a red blooded american by voting once every four years. But don't woryy keep "making a difference" and secure the destruction of the beautiful country and the stripping of it's citzen's rights. What a great place for our kids to grow up in.

And I am sure you know even more about thrid world political situations.


Now let us examine the logic of comparing the US or any devloped country to that of third world nations. There is none that is a cop out answer like saying God is real because I have "Faith". Whats next intelegent design is more reliable than evolution. Try comparing the US to quality of life and economic situation in other developed countries that would make more sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Now let us examine the logic of comparing the US or any devloped country to that of third world nations. There is none that is a cop out answer like saying God is real because I have "Faith". Whats next intelegent design is more reliable than evolution. Try comparing the US to quality of life and economic situation in other developed countries that would make more sense.
You guys moan and groan about how "bad" or "hard" life is in america. You don't know hardship and true pain. The world bank says 25% of the world population live on less than $1 a day! And you think that life in America is bad? That is all I'm saying.
This conclusion is not based off your one pp it is based on a multitude of various inputs from you to national news.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
US hater, way to make assumputions about someone by a paragraph they wrote. Your intelligence is truely being reflected
The funny part is the Goverment's and those with all the money and power greatest trick has been to make people like you think you are a red blooded american by voting once every four years. But don't woryy keep "making a difference" and secure the destruction of the beautiful country and the stripping of it's citzen's rights. What a great place for our kids to grow up in.

And I am sure you know even more about thrid world political situations.
The "stripping" of citizen's rights, isn't coming from the right, it is from the left wing green wackos like the ones in CA that tried to pass laws that would require government controllable AC units in new homes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Two out of three however...
The Democratic party is historically anti-religious (just look at liberal court rulings regarding prayer, on campus Christian clubs and meetings, nativity scene rulings, etc.).
The Democratic party is certainly pro-censorship as well. Research the "fairness doctrine"...
As for being "pissed off"... Didn't you call me a "war privateer" just days ago on this very thread? Now you are offended by this post?

Not wanting one religion to rule the land in no way makes the Democratic party anti-religion. You might prefer it if our nation was 100% Christain but there many people who wouldn't and in no way should you be able to push your beliefs down the throats of others.
I believe I called you a war profiteer, which was harsh and I appologize. That said, I think a statement that suggests all democrates are pro abortion to the extreme where they'd impose state sanctioned abortions is insulting.
I'm sorry, I agree with the fairness doctrine and I think it's good in an age where the media is controlled by few outlets that they be required to air both sides of an issue. Clear Channel owns 1440 stations across the country and promote a very right wing agenda. You might enjoy this because you get a lot of Rush and other rightwing mouth pieces but it might enlighten others to hear the other side.


Another intelligent comment, they cannt control my AC, sadly by the time you realize its not about enviromentalist or anti american sentiment and its about ignorantly being controlled and taking what the goverment tell you , gotta go work more to come


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You guys moan and groan about how "bad" or "hard" life is in america. You don't know hardship and true pain. The world bank says 25% of the world population live on less than $1 a day! And you think that life in America is bad? That is all I'm saying.
Who said life in America is bad or hard? You're doing nothing but trying to paint those who don't share your view into a corner. Our country is great but we can make it better or do you think it's perfect the way it is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Not wanting one religion to rule the land in no way makes the Democratic party anti-religion. You might prefer it if our nation was 100% Christain but there many people who wouldn't and in no way should you be able to push your beliefs down the throats of others.
I believe I called you a war profiteer, which was harsh and I appologize. That said, I think a statement that suggests all democrates are pro abortion to the extreme where they'd impose state sanctioned abortions is insulting.
I'm sorry, I agree with the fairness doctrine and I think it's good in an age where the media is controlled by few outlets that they be required to air both sides of an issue. Clear Channel owns 1440 stations across the country and promote a very right wing agenda. You might enjoy this because you get a lot of Rush and other rightwing mouth pieces but it might enlighten others to hear the other side.
Their is few major reasons why your conclusions are wrong.
1. It is not constitutional. Remember the "freedom of press."
2. They have for years tried to create a "left wing Rush" and none of those shows have worked. B/C no one wants to listen.
3. Who is to say what "unbiased" is. I could very effectively argue, that most major news papers, all the cable, networks, newspapers, and NPR are very liberal in their reporting?
The simple fact is, the renewal of this unconstitutional bill is simply targeted to remove Limbaugh and others on the right.
To further pursue this silence topic. Several democrat senators recently wrote a letter to clear channel demanding they remove rush from the air misrepresenting a quote by a caller on the limbaugh show.
China is still a democrat' s utopia...