This is for BANG


Active Member
bang i read ur informational thread and somewhere in ur "lagoon making thread" u metioned that u would try to breed mandarins AGAIN because now u know why they would die.
well what did u find out because im going to try to breed them in the near future.
thx travis


mby the larvae stealing dwarfs come and take them away at night.

bang guy


Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK
what did u do to help the mating to happin?

A 900 gallon refugium to keep them very well fed.


LMBO!, om, well I would LOVE to breed mandarins, that would be very interesting, however.... I dont have enough cocapods to support them, what else do mandarins naturally fare on?


you might get lucky and get them too feed off mysis and plankton that falls to the bottom.i did,but i consider myself to be a lucky he is..

bang guy


Originally posted by shawnts106
what else do mandarins naturally fare on?

The best food for Mandarins is a bug called an Ostracod. They can feed on other foods but they are probably nutritionally deficient for Dragonettes.


The best food for Mandarins is a bug called an Ostracod.
Never heard of it, is it a type of cocapod, or possible and amphapod or a larval shrimp?
got a picture or diagram?


New Member
I have a blue mandarin goby that I have had for approx 6 months, "Elvis". My husband named him. Anyway, he feeds primarely on frozen PE Mysis enriched with Selcon. He lives with my seahorses and I don't know if he picked it up from them but he is more aggressive at eating the PE the horses. He is very plump and boasts what my husband calls his double chin.


Active Member
Bang Guy-
Do ostracods contain more protein that the other pods? i was just wondering what make them better fare and how you know that. Was there a study done of the nutritional breakdown of pods. That would be cool


Active Member
Just thought id show you a cool pic of the largest known ostracod, Gigantocypris, it has been found to an inch in diameter, which, as you know, if massive. Sometime call seed shrimp as a common name


Active Member
hey! I was wondering what that was in my tank!!
I had no idea what it was, but I have only seen 1.
I take it 1 is not enough for a mandrine?
or are other growing and i just dont see them?

bang guy

I read more than one study of Mandarns that clearly stated that the stomach contents were nearly entirely made up of Ostracods. I have no idea of the nutritional makeup but I have heard of many and witnessed a few Mandarins eating Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, even flake food that still starve.