Originally Posted by
Wait ... did I read that right? Your girlfriend chooses whether or not you can be friends with someone? You're not allowed to hang out with a friend unless she's around.
**This advice is coming from a girl, btw**
Teenagers and girls make me so mad, this is why all my friends are men. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, should decide who your friends are other than you. Unless you're grounded by your parents, no one should be telling you whether or not you can hang out with said friends. She doesn't know them? She's basically saying, "I don't trust you, and I know I can walk all over you and you'll do as I say, so you can't hang out with them. Spend all your free time with me. Worship me, I'm a little princess."
Seriously, get rid of her. She's not good for you or your self esteem.
This chick needs to join reality.
well, she just gets jelous, and then she gets all pouty...but i do love her...then again, i still love a few ex's lol, but tbh my self esteem is high, since i got 5 girls at school wanting me on top of my girlfriend, so thats fine
Originally Posted by stdreb27
IMO if your "best" girl friend is hot, dump the rest and tell her you want her. Because if you're not dating in fear of not having a friendship. They'll all be gone while in college. No matter what you deturmine is going to be the case.
me and my bestfriend arent attracted to each other like that, she gets sooo ticked at me and other chicks, just because she adores my girlfriend (and no i dont cheat, i couldnt do that..[again]..) and she just doesnt like me having girls seem to be all over me lol, but tbh, i want to move about 10 hours away from here for college.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Jeez, if you can't keep the hens in-line now, what you going to do in 4 years when you have 3 or 4 girlfriends?
its not about keeping them in the row, its about keeping the rows seperate , or atleast, from what i understand and have seen
Originally Posted by
Its the 21 century, and yes, there is such a thing as women and men just being friends. My best friend in high school was a guy. We never had any romantic involvement whatsoever. He was just my best friend and that's it. Lots of fond memories, non of which are romantic. Friendships frequently end up having more significant emotional ties. Any relationship has emotional ties.
It is true, perhaps, that the potential for more than "just friendship" between male/female friends is there, after all, being good friends with someone can make for a very healthy start to a more involved relationship.
Deadly, yeah, you do need to hang with the guys. And don't let your girlfriend's insecurities shape your life.
Her insecurites do shape my life a little, but, we have split and got back together about some other girls and stupid stuff before, this is our final try (atleast to me) and the other two (not my bestfriend) i dated one of em, left my gf for her several times because i cant decide what i want (i am a teenager after all) and the other is someone ive gotten close to really fast....
Also my gf is the girl who willg et married tomorrow if i asked, and im not getting married for another 5 -6 years atleast lol