This is what i wake up to! no more pregnant shrimp


SOB ate my favorite pregnant shrimp...what the hell?? is this normal i didnt even think it would fit inside the brittle....tht really pisses me off but i guess that is nature...just wish i knew this would happen...anyone else have this happen?

bang guy

When The Shrimp eggs hatch or are removed the Shrimp will usually molt. When molting the Shrimp give off an unfortunate "smell" that Green Brittles and other predators can sense. The Shrimp is helpless to ward off an attack just after a molt.


Ryan, do u know when harlequin shrimps molt? I ve one which ve had never molted, every week i m adding iodin, when he came i gave him a star he is still eating the same star, can he molt after finishing star?


I've never had this happen, but now I'm worried because one of my peppermints,"Lola", has been pregnant twice since I've had her (4 months? - ballpark) I guess my other peppermint, "Frankie", has been keeping her happy. Could "Lola" be a snack for my brown brittle? (and please tell me that I'm not the only one that names every living thing in my tank:p ) Fins Up.


LOL... no my peppermint's name was Sally....the brittle spit her out now... what a waste... he didnt even eat her, just killed her