Active Member
Since Roe V Wade 54.5 Million abortions have been performed in this country. The number means there are more than 3,300 abortions daily and 137 abortions per hour every hour in the United States. Translated another way, an abortion is done about every 30 seconds in the United States.
How has this affected society? A recent study showed 2 in 5 women (sexually active and not wanting to get pregnant) do not use any form of birth control or std protection during sex.
How many premature babies have been "terminated" simply because a doctor said there was no reason to continue support? Many of those abortions occur in the first trimester. What you call a "baby", is nothing more than an embryo that has little bumps for arms and legs, no lungs that could sustain life, and no cognisant thought process. You can argue until eternity whose definition of "kill" is correct.
Those "2 of 5 women" are primarily low income with no financial support. Obamacare wants to provide free contraceptives and you sit here screaming "He can't do that! That goes against several religious doctrines!" Catholic don't believe in contraception, preferring the age-old "rythm method". Go do a study on how many of these women are tied to some religious faith that condemns the use of contraception. Several institutions have suggested that schools hand out free condoms or birth control pills to quell the huge teen pregnancy problems we have in this country. But the religious fanatics will have none of that. So which group is the major cause of all these unwanted pregnancies?