This is why I H A T E partisan politics...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics#post_3501740
I hate Republican's for their verocity to push their social issues instead of finding means to fix the economy.
The Republican's will push this Benghazi Incident until Obama's last day in 2016. They have to find something to put the blame on him for. Some of the idiots think it's an impeachable offense. Can't win the popular vote or the electoral college votes for your third-rate candidate, so try to find a way to kick the winner out. Guess what? Do that and you get Joe Biden. Benghazi was an unfortunate event. There were obvious holes in the security policies, and certain military protocols may have been overlooked. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is you find where the ball was dropped and you fix the problems so it never happens again. Trying to put someone's head on a platter is a waste of money and resources. If we called out every politician that has "skewed the truth" or "fabricated the facts", you wouldn't have one single person left in Washington. You'll always have controversies in politics. That's the only way Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN can keep their ratings up.
I guess you and this thread does have a valid point.
without partisan politics some currently labeled dem or independant would probably have signed that letter also.
How's the liberal dems doing on the economy? Hmmm
And the nanny state wellfare, social security, healthcare are not social programs? Problem that can only be fixed by al all powerful central government controlling all our actions because states, counties, cities, and individuals are not to be trusted with such things?
So as you're waiting inline for your food stamps and unemployment checks pleas keep all that in mind.
As you pay more and more taxes because the federal government gives your success to other people keep that in mind.

darthtang aw

Active Member
How so, Mr. Smarmy?
1. The embassy is sovereign U.S.A. land and facilities. Thus the equivalent to an attack on the U.S. Meaning we can have as much security detail as we want.
2. There was an asset in the air. With ability to strike and destroy the mortars firing on the structures. How do we know this..there was a special forces trooper lasering the mortars. They don't laser unless an asset is in the area to take out the target. Or atleast inbound. Someone told the asset to stand down, cost the trooper his life as the enemy found his location due to his exposing himself to laser the enemy.
3. We have 8 hours of live video feed from a drone...Drones are armed now days are they not?
4. Italy airforce base is one hour away...Jets and helicopters were ready to go but TOLD to stand down.
5. The main issue is not the denial of security...that is only a small issue. The true issues are, no response, no attempted defense, and someone changed the story.
7. You acceptance that politicians will lie and changed the story is why our country is so screwed up.
8. Tell you what, there is no war, there is no economic crisis, and all is rainbows and ponies....stick your head in the sand and sing a good "citizen".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501748
1. The embassy is sovereign U.S.A. land and facilities. Thus the equivalent to an attack on the U.S. Meaning we can have as much security detail as we want.
2. There was an asset in the air. With ability to strike and destroy the mortars firing on the structures. How do we know this..there was a special forces trooper lasering the mortars. They don't laser unless an asset is in the area to take out the target. Or atleast inbound. Someone told the asset to stand down, cost the trooper his life as the enemy found his location due to his exposing himself to laser the enemy.
3. We have 8 hours of live video feed from a drone...Drones are armed now days are they not?
4. Italy airforce base is one hour away...Jets and helicopters were ready to go but TOLD to stand down.
5. The main issue is not the denial of security...that is only a small issue. The true issues are, no response, no attempted defense, and someone changed the story.
7. You acceptance that politicians will lie and changed the story is why our country is so screwed up.
8. Tell you what, there is no war, there is no economic crisis, and all is rainbows and ponies....stick your head in the sand and sing a good "citizen".
When was an "asset in the air" or a drone able to disseminate who on the ground is a "viable target"? You wanted them to do a drone strike on our own Embassy to make sure they got the bad guys? Guess you could drop a few Cruise's in the general area where they "thought" the bad guys were. So what a few innocent women and children are killed. We saved our people...
Again, you start launching jets and helicopters into the region, someone besides Libya is going to complain.
How was there no response? What story was changed?
Don't blame me for reality. You live in the Conservative Fairy Land where someone tells you something enough times, you'll eventually believe it. There should be no war, our economic crisis had been going on since 2002 and no one's done anything about it, and my life is doing just fine. Sorry yours sucks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501747
I guess you and this thread does have a valid point.
without partisan politics some currently labeled dem or independant would probably have signed that letter also.
How's the liberal dems doing on the economy? Hmmm
And the nanny state wellfare, social security, healthcare are not social programs? Problem that can only be fixed by al all powerful central government controlling all our actions because states, counties, cities, and individuals are not to be trusted with such things?
So as you're waiting inline for your food stamps and unemployment checks pleas keep all that in mind.
As you pay more and more taxes because the federal government gives your success to other people keep that in mind.
The Liberal Dems are doing just about as good with the economy than your Conservative Republican's did with it since the crash in 2001.
Obamacare is mandating that STATES create insurance pools for uninsured STATE citizens to purchase. The Republican-led STATES don't want to adhere to the mandate. Texas has whacked STATE Medicare to the point that many elderly people can barely afford their medicines or find nursing homes that will take them in. Your ignorance of food stamps and unemployment checks show the sterotypical ideologies of your typical Tea Bagger Fox News watchers. Just watch the news that shows thousands of unemployed people who lost their jobs for no fault of their own, and they've gone months without being able to find another. So they're supposed to starve and get kicked out of their homes so you can have an extra $100 in your pocket to buy cigarettes, booze, Big Macs, and Twinkies.
Whose paying more taxes? My effective tax rate has been the same for the last 10 years. My investments are up right at 12% for the year so far. Shoot, I double my money on several stocks just last week after all the Obama-haters dumped viable stocks just to prove some twisted point that the world will come to an end because he got re-elected. Gas prices have dropped as normal. Food prices have soared, but that's due to this country being in a major drought for over a year in major regions where food products are grown and raised. My healthcare insurance will go up another 7% next year, but it's done that the last 10, so what else is new. The problem with people like you is you walk around with this fatalist and pessimistic view on life because someone in the media keeps telling you how bad everything is. How many freedoms have you lost in the last 10 years?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501748
1. The embassy is sovereign U.S.A. land and facilities. Thus the equivalent to an attack on the U.S. Meaning we can have as much security detail as we want.
2. There was an asset in the air. With ability to strike and destroy the mortars firing on the structures. How do we know this..there was a special forces trooper lasering the mortars. They don't laser unless an asset is in the area to take out the target. Or atleast inbound. Someone told the asset to stand down, cost the trooper his life as the enemy found his location due to his exposing himself to laser the enemy.
3. We have 8 hours of live video feed from a drone...Drones are armed now days are they not?
4. Italy airforce base is one hour away...Jets and helicopters were ready to go but TOLD to stand down.
5. The main issue is not the denial of security...that is only a small issue. The true issues are, no response, no attempted defense, and someone changed the story.
7. You acceptance that politicians will lie and changed the story is why our country is so screwed up.
8. Tell you what, there is no war, there is no economic crisis, and all is rainbows and ponies....stick your head in the sand and sing a good "citizen".
Where are you getting your timelines? This report states the Pentagon only knew about the attack 1 hour after it occurred. By the time they could get forces out of Italy to the location, it would have been non-effective and a waste of time. They already had ground forces in place handling the situation. The drone you're talking about was UNARMED.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501766
When was an "asset in the air" or a drone able to disseminate who on the ground is a "viable target"? You wanted them to do a drone strike on our own Embassy to make sure they got the bad guys? Guess you could drop a few Cruise's in the general area where they "thought" the bad guys were. So what a few innocent women and children are killed. We saved our people...
Again, you start launching jets and helicopters into the region, someone besides Libya is going to complain.
How was there no response? What story was changed?
Don't blame me for reality. You live in the Conservative Fairy Land where someone tells you something enough times, you'll eventually believe it. There should be no war, our economic crisis had been going on since 2002 and no one's done anything about it, and my life is doing just fine. Sorry yours sucks.
I know someone who has been in the room when a drone was active and she says BS, they could have been used easily. I am glad you are more concerned over their innocent women and children. By the way, what did the Ambassador do to deserve to be murdered?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501769
Where are you getting your timelines? This report states the Pentagon only knew about the attack 1 hour after it occurred. By the time they could get forces out of Italy to the location, it would have been non-effective and a waste of time. They already had ground forces in place handling the situation. The drone you're talking about was UNARMED.
They knew within minutes. One of the security guys there was on the line while the attack was happening. As John McCain pointed out they should have at least had a couple jets buzz the place. It's a tactic that's been used before. Come in low and slow and the terrorists will usually scatter. It was worth a shot but nobody thought of it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501768
The Liberal Dems are doing just about as good with the economy than your Conservative Republican's did with it since the crash in 2001.
The bush tax cuts in 2003 completely recovered the economy and until jan 2007 created something like 7-12 million jobs with an unemployment rate of just under 5%.
Not bad considering the internet bubble and 9-11.
Average unemployment under Bush was the lowest of any president (but about equall to clinton's like .1% difference) all the way back to the 1950's
The economy tanked with unemployment rising since jan 2007 when the liberal dems took over congress.
for instance the entire housing crisis was caused by the existance of freddie and fannie and the feds giving mortages to people who would have never got them in a free market where lenders remainded responsible for the payments.
And of course the simulas and all the rest have not recovered the economy.
Now the bills are coming due.
Whose paying more taxes? My effective tax rate has been the same for the last 10 years. My investments are up right at 12% for the year so far. Shoot, I double my money on several stocks just last week after all the Obama-haters dumped viable stocks just to prove some twisted point that the world will come to an end because he got re-elected. Gas prices have dropped as normal. Food prices have soared, but that's due to this country being in a major drought for over a year in major regions where food products are grown and raised. My healthcare insurance will go up another 7% next year, but it's done that the last 10, so what else is new. The problem with people like you is you walk around with this fatalist and pessimistic view on life because someone in the media keeps telling you how bad everything is. How many freedoms have you lost in the last 10 years?
You'll pay the taxes.
Do you not think obama care is a decrease in freedoms?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501772
They knew within minutes. One of the security guys there was on the line while the attack was happening. As John McCain pointed out they should have at least had a couple jets buzz the place. It's a tactic that's been used before. Come in low and slow and the terrorists will usually scatter. It was worth a shot but nobody thought of it.
So I guess the Pentagon is lying about their timeline. The event was over before any air support would've done any good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501774
You'll pay the taxes.
Do you not think obama care is a decrease in freedoms?
What "freedom" does Obamacare violate? You people whine and scream about the lazy Welfare recipient's, and those leeches that get free healthcare on taxpayer dollars. Obamacare comes out and says, "If you fall into a certain income level, you will contribute SOMETHING to your healthcare costs. So NOW you want to allow these same deadbeats to have free healthcare just because you disagree with that mandate. Does it affect you personally? Do you currently have health insurance that you're paying for? If so, you pay no fine. It affects you none in the least. The more states that create insurance pools, the lesser amount the Feds have to contribute to the program. So it's ironic that the Republican's don't want to sign up for the pools, but they complain that the deficit will rise because the Feds have to provide more revenue for the program because of their refusal.
"You'll pay the taxes". So now you're a psychic? I'll die some day as well. Can you predict when that will occur? They say the Earth will be destroyed in a few billion years, so why should I care if I pay more taxes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501771
I know someone who has been in the room when a drone was active and she says BS, they could have been used easily. I am glad you are more concerned over their innocent women and children. By the way, what did the Ambassador do to deserve to be murdered?
Stevens knew the risks. Same as anyone else that works in that region. If he felt the area wasn't secure as early as they claimed, and he was getting no response from his superiors, he should have left immediately.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501782
Stevens knew the risks. Same as anyone else that works in that region. If he felt the area wasn't secure as early as they claimed, and he was getting no response from his superiors, he should have left immediately.
They had no time once the crap came down. Where Stevens made his mistake is he depended on an administration packed with political hacks to make a decision based on something other than politics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501778
So I guess the Pentagon is lying about their timeline. The event was over before any air support would've done any good.
Security agents were on the line to the white house situation room as it was happening. If the Pentagon wasn't told right then it displays an alarming degree of incompetence at the highest levels. The attack lasted 7 hours. They had time to move a drone into place

darthtang aw

Active Member

Security agents were on the line to the white house situation room as it was happening. If the Pentagon wasn't told right then it displays an alarming degree of incompetence at the highest levels. The attack lasted 7 hours. They had time to move a drone into place
It took all of 15 minutes to get a drone in place.....FIFTEEN MINUTES! And they couldn't do anything more than watch? We use drones for sensitive tactical strikes all the time. We couldn't get one here to do that?
But that isn't even the issue.....
The issue is the administration LIED to the public about WHY and HOW. Does this sound familiar? The sad thing is, those that defended the other "liars" are criticizing and those that criticized the past "Liar" are defending this group of "liars".
Iwas reading details on this story back in September and well into October. Yet I never brought it up. Because every aspect of the handling of the situation is just pathetic and sad....similar to the two reasons given over 10 years ago to the public.
Clemson, you are right...Partisan politics is killing this country...but it isn't at the politician is at the citizen level. This entire thread screams partisan hypocrisy by all involved.
Edit: and the next political pundit that attributes this to watergate needs to be waterboarded. there has not been a level of corruption to equal blatant civil and legal rights violations and a disregard for the Constitution since then. Nixon was a crook of the highest level.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/20#post_3501792
It took all of 15 minutes to get a drone in place.....FIFTEEN MINUTES! And they couldn't do anything more than watch? We use drones for sensitive tactical strikes all the time. We couldn't get one here to do that?
But that isn't even the issue.....
The issue is the administration LIED to the public about WHY and HOW. Does this sound familiar? The sad thing is, those that defended the other "liars" are criticizing and those that criticized the past "Liar" are defending this group of "liars".
Iwas reading details on this story back in September and well into October. Yet I never brought it up. Because every aspect of the handling of the situation is just pathetic and sad....similar to the two reasons given over 10 years ago to the public.
Clemson, you are right...Partisan politics is killing this country...but it isn't at the politician is at the citizen level. This entire thread screams partisan hypocrisy by all involved.
Edit: and the next political pundit that attributes this to watergate needs to be waterboarded. there has not been a level of corruption to equal blatant civil and legal rights violations and a disregard for the Constitution since then. Nixon was a crook of the highest level.
Which other liars are you referring too?