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Let me just start by saying that the only bush i like is the one on my gir......nevermind...
LOL ....hmmm ma 2 cents....lets see...bush is a fool, he just doesn't know it....he thinks he's doing good and his decisions are well thought out but the last 5 or so years has kinda killed that view...Somebody's gotta take the blame, somebody did...of course mr. president didn't..he's the prez for goodness sakes...sheesh.....but hey somebody's gotta get hanged...200 billion dollars huh?? I love how Clinton and Bush Senior has to go around beggin for $$ for the katrina fund when little Bush signs 100 billion $ bill to help Iraq...and speakin of Iraq.....Quick, short, inexpensive, minimal casualties....HA!!!!! Rebuilding N.O....hahahha he wont make decisions on his own and wont let anyone do anything without a week of paper shufflin.....Give the dang general the power to do what he needs to do to get the city inhabitable first then let polititions decide how to rebuild. AHhhh the deficit....spend spend spend....let the rest of the world pass us up and we'll just borrow some more....that's the american way tho right?? just use one credit card to pay off another...Anyone ever tried that???
I dont hate bush...he's just not qualified for the position he's in...
many folks do not understand the Iraqi connection with 9/11. here is an exerpt form the state run Iraqi newpaper before 9/11. Gee, did they know? If so how?
In one editorial, two months before the attack, al-Nasiriyah -- a state-run newspaper for the Saddam regime -- managed to name all three attack targets for 9/11. They said that bin Laden had spent his time trying to work out how to bomb the White House, which would happen shortly before destroying the Pentagon. Then, in typically flowery Arabic fashion, the author claims that Americans will "curse the memory of Frank Sinatra", an odd reference -- unless one remembers that "New York, New York" remains Sinatra's signature song. In the event, the attack followed precisely this plan, except in reverse order: the World Trade Center went first, then the Pentagon, and the White House would likely have followed if the heroes of Flight 93 had not caused the terrorists to down the plane in Pennsylvania.
Even beyond that, the fawning tone and obvious support for Osama bin Laden in one of Saddam's newspapers belies any suggestion that the two could not find common ground for operations against their common enemy. Saddam wanted Iraqis to stand behind Osama and al-Qaeda and cheer on their attacks on the US. The author states: "This new awareness of the image that Bin Ladin has become gives shape to the resting areas and stops for every Arab revolutionary. It is the subject of our admiration here in Iraq because it shares with us in a unified manner our resisting stand, and just as he fixes his gaze on the Al Aqsa we greet him."